~What in the Hell?~

Thursday, May 29, 2008

~ Wow - I'm Lame! ~

Vegasm, honey, you need to drop me your email so I can write you! Post a comment with your email and I'll not publish the comment so we can talk!

Man, oh, man - so much has happened. I finally got a job transfer. Hurray! I really really like my new job. The commute is a bit farther but I pass a lot more stuff on the way home (grocery, bookstore, fabric store) so I don't have to make a special trip to those places anymore.

Pretty much I've been trying to get some stuff caught up at my new job. They are doing some remodeling of our lab this fall so we have to decide what we can't live without and what can get sent to storage for a few months while we cram into a shared space with two other groups. Ugh.

And there's a lot of buyouts that have recently happened so that's sort of thrown the normal course of things into a tizzy regarding what's coming from where and when.  

But you know what?  It ain't NOTHING compared to hell I was at before.  NOTHING.   Maybe it's because we sort of control our own destiny instead of being at the whim of a bunch of crack-smoking douchebags.  

If something gets screwed up, it's because *I* did it and *I* can fix it.  I don't have to go around cleaning up someone else's shit pile and I can't tell you how wonderful that is.  

I'm taking on-line classes on database design and management. It's interesting but the whole "logic" aspect of it drives me insane(r).  I'm trying to implement a database for our lab.  

Currently - believe it or not - we are still using fucking PEN and PAPER.  NOTHING is electronic and if you want to find something, you literally have to go thru massive amounts of papers to locate it.  Talk about tedious, unproductive and a waste of time!  

That was the first thing I said when I started this job, "I ain't no fucking monk and I ain't scribing anything.  This is going electronic starting NOW."  And it did for me.  

The database is so everyone can use the information and we no longer have to keep paper records.  It's slow going (mainly because I want to get to the "good stuff") but it's been very helpful.  The reports that used to take us 4 hours to run (yeah) now take about 30 minutes.  Un-fucking-believable!  

Skating is going well. I ended up tearing my LCL (which is pretty strange from what I've been told) and haven't been able to skate much. Damned thing swelled up the size of a softball when it happened and I couldn't hardly bend my knee because of the swelling.

But after 8 weeks of physical therapy (and minimal skating), it's finally better. Last night was the first time I've skated like I'd never been hurt and it was WONDERFUL!! I didn't want to get off the ice but my ass was so worn out I couldn't hardly walk.

I finally passed my Adult Silver moves. FINALLY! I think the next test I'll take will be for Juvenile Moves but I have a competition coming up in two weeks so that's sort of on hold.

Summer ice starts which is just THE BOMB! I get to skate in the morning before work (so I'm already ragged out when I go in to work instead of work ragging me out to skate) which is AWESOME.

Hopefully I'll be back to skating 3 days a week (that would so RULE!) over the summer.

I'm so delighted the weather has finally gotten warm. It's given me the opportunity (finally) to plant some flowers and herbs. I miss flowers in the winter.

The Creature is doing fine. Poor old geezer is partially blind in one eye (we think) and we know he's deaf as a post. Other than that, he's in great shape. He'll still play with me for a little while (until he gets tired).

Camping season is full on us now which is great because I get to be outside! Yay for outside! Yay for flowers and sunshine!

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:14 PM

~The Mighty Nephy~

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