And we can get back to the salt mines.
Thanks, Vegasm, for the info about the new board. I might have to pop over there and see what's going on. I hope everyone is doing well.
The holidays went well for me. I got a new job for Christmas (yay!) and I start a week from next Monday. I'll be at the same company, just changing jobs. This should be nice and quiet.
As one of the ladies I usually talk to during the day said, "this place is just an 'eat them up and spit them out' mentality. You can't be nice to anyone, you can't be laid back - you have to be overtly aggressive and mean. And some of us just aren't like that." Indeed. The more of an asshole you are in this job, the farther you'll go. And I'm just tired of it.
The job I am going to should be a major change. It's routine and there is only one other person working with me. All I have to do is get my testing done and results posted in a timely manner. It will be nice to be "bored" for a while. Say, about 3 years. AND I don't have to share an office with rude-ass office mate who insists on leaving his gigantic-ass chair sitting in the middle of the floor all the time.
Oh, and the building I'm going to be working in is haunted. Seriously. So there won't be any late nights for me there alone. Uh, no thanks.
So I am very pleased with this new development. It would seem that there is nobody left in our group as we have all gnawed thru our restraints and run for the hills. Out of 5 of us, there are 2 left. Yeah. I am hoping that this mass exodous raises some eyebrows but I doubt if anyone even notices.
About the holidays - mom, dad and I went to Vegas over Thanksgiving. We had a good time. I got all of my Christmas shopping done while there (at the outlet mall). That's pretty much where I spent my $$ altho I couldn't resist the craps table at times.
I ended up working over Christmas which was ok but it was busier than I would have liked. I figured I'd be able to clean out my desk and get some stuff caught up but that was not meant to be. Ugh. So I'm sort of doing that now as I can get the time. People keep IM-ing me or coming into the office wanting stuff. Ah, well. At least I don't have a ton of meetings to go to now.
New Year's was quiet. I had The Baby for a nice long weekend and we (he and I) went walking in the park and all over the neighborhood. It wore him out (and me as well). He was, of course, glad to go home so he could rest and escape my constant scooping him up and kissing on his little flat face. (Here he is! Isn't he adorable? How could you resist kissing that cute face?)

I had planned on doing some extra skating over the holiday but ended up working instead! WTF?? That's like, blasphemy! So now I'm going thru skating withdrawal and it really sucks! There is ice this week but I won't be able to go until tomorrow since tonight I'm seeing my personal trainer.
And I'm really tired. Yeah, I am. Last Thursday I felt like I was drugged or something. I couldn't hardly function or stand up. Mom thought I might be getting sick but I didn't feel ill - just like I was made of lead and really, really tired. It was weird.
Then, this weekend, I couldn't sleep. Figures, don't it? But I got a lot done. The Creature got a bath (despite his screams of agony *eye roll*), I fixed the vacuum (broken belt), ran a bunch of errands, packed away all of the holiday stuff and did the laundry. I need a nap, I think. Seriously.
What did I get for Christmas besides the new job? Hmm - books! I loves books! And I got a lot of them. Plus some long underwear (for my poor freezing reptilian hide).
Nothing overly exciting - just pretty much work, skate, gym, beat The Creature, sew and embroider. And nap whenever possible. Naps are good and should be required by law.
What we are listening to today You really should try this - it's your own radio station. Pretty cool. It's free to sign up and they don't send a whole lot of spam.
Here's what we are reading currently:
Roman WhodunnitsMary Magdelene, The First Apostleand
The Cater Street HangmanBecause I always have a few books going at once. My latest "book feast" is a three-book series by
CJ Sansom. Regrettably, I "gobbled" up all three over the holiday and now must find something new I haven't read yet (once I finish the three mentioned above.)
It's the winter season so I tend to stay indoors (too cold for us reptiles) and sew, repair things, embroider and prepare for camping season.
Hope everyone had a good holiday!
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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:26 AM