~What in the Hell?~

Thursday, September 02, 2010

~ The Thought Occurs to Me ~

that I have read too much and not played video games nearly enough.

Why? Well, because I sat down and read Erasmus In Praise of Folly and actually *enjoyed* it!

Then I was struck with some sort of illness that made me start reading The Decameron. And I liked the parts I read of that as well.

I was so frightened by this madness that I stopped reading and tried to play a game of "free cell". I was not successful because my reading experience had made me want to read even more.

Now I'm sure I didn't grasp all of the subtleties of either work but just the mere fact that I could enjoy them was enough to horrify me. I'd like to imagine that I'm more ill-bred than that but we'll keep it a secret, yes?

Nobody needs to know that I've never played a Wii or World of Warcraft or watched any brain-frying "reality shows" like "American Idol".

I wish I could say that I spent that time skating but the truth is, I usually spend it digging in the yard or preparing to dig in the yard or reading. Altho it has been so hot here lately that the grass has fried up and I have to spend a couple hours every other evening watering my vegetables and roses so there's been no time to dig in the yard.

There is a lot of ivy I'd like to pull out and some piles of sticks and old leaves that have gathered in places but I refuse to attempt this until the snakes are gone. Once it frosts, I will go in there and start rooting around. But not while the snakes still slither - EW! I hate those bastards.

I think I need to "rededicate" myself to skating more. I can tell my muscles have really started to miss it. Hopefully with the start of regular ice time I will be able to get to another session per week. I'd really like to get back to the three days a week skating but I probably won't be able to do that until the yard no longer needs mowed, watered, dug in or picked over. A while yet.

The Bat and The Flat are doing ok. Tobs is wanting more attention. I told him mom spoiled him and I'm not going to stand for it (altho there really isn't a whole lot I can *do* about it). Batface kept barking at me yesterday for some strange reason. I guess I wasn't giving enough "bat attention" to her and she wanted me to know about it.

So they are still rotten and getting worse every day. I still miss The Butter because she was my girl and would stay outside with me when I watered and dead-headed the flowers. Neither The Bat nor The Flat wants to stay outside with me for any length of time. They prefer to be in the house (until it comes to walk time). Maybe it's just the heat.

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:02 AM


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