~What in the Hell?~

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

~ Creatures Update ~

Today I will talk about The Creatures for the most part.

With the cooler weather, Tobs has become more animated. The Bat's coat is thinner so she and I are not too happy with the cold evenings. But Little Tobs now will run down the street instead of dragging along like he did this summer. He is so cute with his little ears flopping and his tongue hanging out (it always hangs out since the one side of his face is paralyzed).

He looks like a giant fuzz ball - seriously. He has gotten quite fat and his fur hasn't grown totally out (I cut his hair down in the summer to help keep him cool) so it is sticking out like a halo around him. With those big fat furry sasquatch feet, you can't tell what is body, tail or feet. He's just a round ball of hair rolling down the street. But he is so CUTE!

The Bat (Bella) is becoming more possesive of me lately. She will put those "owning hands" of hers on me and roll over so I can rub her Bat Belly.

The other night, there was some sort of scuffle between them after I went to bed. It sounded like Tobs was asserting his dominance. Bella was trying to score some of his peanut butter treat action and he wasn't going to tolerate his treat being poached. That's the first time either one of them has growled at the other. Of course it's over food. They only love me for my thumb.

I've posted some pictures that I need to link to here from my garden. I finally got around to transplanting those Peonies that I discovered this spring. The poor things were about taken over by those hateful bushes. When I cut the bushes back, the sun finally reached the Peonies and they tried to come out. They didn't make it but at least I knew they were there and transplanted them. Hopefully they will do better where I put them since they will get more sun. One of them was seriously old, too. About the size of my hand.

I also transplanted this Iris that was by the house. I'm guessing it's an Iris or a Glad - I don't know since it never bloomed. I moved that out into the sun as well. I also bogarted some wisteria seeds from a local plant and will try to grow them out back over the imaginary arbor I keep threatening to build.

So many grandiose plans, so little time!

My one rose bush is just going crazy. It was full of blooms and I loved looking at it. Most of the blooms have gone but it was just beautiful when it was out. The asters are really pretty, too. I have to remember not to spray those in the spring because the caterpillars eat them. I had forgotten about that.

Speaking of butterflies, I have seen several different kinds in the yard. Most of them are really BIG. There was a Monarch, Yellow Swallowtail and a black one with dark blue trim that was just stunning! They wouldn't stick around long enough for me to get pictures but I did get an eyeful! They seem to like the pinks and the liatris best.

The yellow mums are gigantic and I'd like to get some more mums to plant around but I'm a bit strapped for cash at this particular moment. It's brewing time, see. And after Pennsic. So my expendible income (what there is of it) has been given over to buying cider, honey, sugar and yeast.

Horrible Boss From Hell is hysterical again. Apparently someone sent out an email to various people and told her she is a dumb good-for-nothing (not me, seriously!) and it made her cry. Boo-fucking-hoo! Useless as tits on a nun. *shakes head* The sad thing is, HER boss hates her and her BOSSES BOSS hates her right on up the line. But no one will can her ass - they just keep shuffling her around like some sort of rotten fruit. Now she's stinking up THIS place until someone can find a place to shove her off on.

I just don't understand this mentality. She's an idiot. She's costing thousands of dollars a day in lost productivity, poor morale and stupid nit-picking yet nobody wants to do a damned thing about her. Damn, people! She got shoved off on us because her stupid shit finally started costing HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars - but her stupid shit just started here.

Stupid shit - nit picking because you don't like the format of something. Nit picking because you don't like the program that's used to track materials so you refuse to use it. Nit picking because you only want 4 decimal places instead of 5. Fucking idiotic nonsense. But she does this ALL OF THE TIME.

It would be one thing if her stupid shit was worth anything - saving time or money or effort but it's not. It's just a bunch of stupid busy work that makes her think she's important. This is the same dumb ass who went to another departments meeting and didn't realize it until she was an hour into it and didn't recognize anyone. Well did you comprehend what was being talked about? Obviously not. Obviously you can't tell OUR department from another if you sit there in a meeting where the agenda is totally off your radar. That shows you how much she knows about US. Not a damned thing.

As my officemate so delicately put it "I just want her to go away. I don't care where but it needs to be soon and away from us."

Amen to that, brother! Amen!

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The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 1:34 PM


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