was laid to rest on Thursday, August 26th at 4:40pm by his attending vet.
Mom and I were with him. He went very quickly.
He was 16 years old, deaf, blind and unable to walk very far. He had recently come down with breathing difficulties and for the last few days was growing worse. Mom made the decision to have him put down when it became obvious he was slowly and painfully dying.
"Wheezie" as he was popularly known, was the family dog altho no one claimed him. (This was sort of the "running joke" in the family. "He's not *my* dog" was the answer to any question).
He was one of the most spoiled animals ever. He was a pure bred Peke and I have posted numerous pictures of him over the years. His many names included: Baby Woo, Shovel-Jaw, Ring Tail, Baboon Butt, Larry Ear, Ugly Baby, Flat of the Face, The Creature, Grinch Foot and several I know I'm not quite remembering at this time.
Amy called him "the cutest little dog ever!" which was pretty true.
Wheezie absoltuely HATED to be laughed at. If he thought you were laughing AT him (you could just point and laugh at him for no reason), he would bark incessantly. It was a cheap thrill.
His favorite things were ice cream, mom's lap and laying on the AC vent in the summer. He loved to go for rides in the car and he was very smart.
His mortal enemy was a squeaky corncob that had belonged to Cris. For some reason, Wheezer HATED this corncob with a passion. Just the mere SIGHT of the thing (when he could see it) would send him into a frenzy of barking and growling. God forbid you'd actually squeak the thing around him! He would attack it as he was barking his head off. And he wouldn't stop barking - even after you'd hidden the thing away.
He'd run to the last place he'd seen the cob and bark frantically as he scoured the area for it.
It was absolutely hilarious and you succeeded in tormenting mom and the dog at the same time! What a deal!
No one could figure out why he hated that thing so. We still have it somewhere. I'll have to pull it out and look at it.
I'm going to miss the old geezer. He was my woo, "my son" and he gave us many happy and entertaining years. He had a good LONG life and was spoiled beyond belief.
My two Flat Faces are doing fine. Tobs just keeps getting fatter (I can't understand why since he eats less than The Batface.) He seems to be doing just fine aside from his roly-polyness.
The Batface gets on her "needy jags" where she wants to be in my face constantly. I had to yell at her a couple of times last week because she was "scratching" on some dresses that had pins in them. She'd jump on the couch and start to scratch on my dresses to make her "bed". I'm surprised she didn't get stuck with one of the pins. I finally had to hang them up so she couldn't get on them and get stuck.
We are still going for our walks every day. We don't make it far because of the heat but that doesn't stop them from barking to go or tearing out the door when I open it.
Yesterday when we went home, Tobs "wooed" at mom several times when he walked in their house. I'm not sure what that means. He usually does it when he's excited so I can only guess he was glad to see her.
She stuffed him full of Wheezies left over treats. He was so fat I had to carry him into the house when we got home. Freakin' spoiling my dog! Like he don't get enough spoiling at my house!
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 11:15 AM
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