Or allergies, actually.
The pollen count has been astronomical lately and my poor eyes are like sandpaper. The allergy meds don't seem to be working very well altho they are better than nothing (which would be truly miserable).
Mowing the grass just kicks up more pollen, dust and leaf mold which makes both me and the dogs sneeze like fiends.
Poor Toby had a seizure last night. I felt so sorry for him. He just sorta fell over and started shaking with his little eye bugging out. He was slobbering all over and just shaking like mad. I made sure his tongue was out (he doesn't have any teeth to bite it) and just stayed next to him until it passed.
He tried to get up and go for a walk outside in the yard but he ended up having another attack. I was afraid for him. He doesn't thrash or mess himself but he shakes and he looks so scared. He falls over, gets stiff and starts shaking. Poor little thing. So I just sat there next to him trying to keep Bella from trampling him (she wants attention and she isn't going to let some feeble old seizure victim stand in her way!)
He was much better by the time we went to bed altho he seemed rather tired. Tonight we have to go to the vet and get some booster shots. That should be a fun time. :-/
I have been very tired lately - probably due to allergies and stress. Work is a pain in the ass mainly due to an idiotic paranoid "manager" but what else is new? Anyone NOT have an idiotic paranoid "manager" should be the question.
We had to move our equipment to a new location today and now the idiot says she can't understand why we are having issues getting everything running like this instant. Hmmm - maybe because this stuff has been sitting in the same place for the last 7 years and has NEVER been moved so when the equipment was moved, things moved inside the equipment and everything needs to be "rebalanced". She just doesn't get that.
"I want it done now so it should happen now" is her philosophy. Like the whole world revolves around HER stupid ass and what SHE wants to happen.
If you want to get something done, she'll demand some sort of "prodecure" or "written documentation" in order to do anything but expects you to jump through all kinds of hoops (without any procedure) when SHE wants it.
She's a nuisance and a fascist. I keep hoping that HER manager will get sick enough of her stupid crap to shove her off onto someone else. I know he's aggrivated with her constant whining and refusal to answer her email.
But anyway -
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:07 PM
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