~What in the Hell?~

Friday, October 16, 2009

~ Mid-October and Brew Time! ~

I can't believe it's mid-October already. Crazy, man! Just crazy!

The condo finally sold (I think I mentioned this before but I'll say it again because it's great news). I haven't heard when the closing date is but it should be fairly soon I would think. Next week I'm having a guy come in and clean the furnace and also hook up the electric for a garbage disposal but those are the only two things the buyer wanted done.

It will be nice to have that monthly condo payment back to put toward the house payment.

The Odious Scumbags at Time Warner Cable (the stupid fucks) sent me a bill saying I owed them money from "pre May 2009". WTF is that? So I sent a nasty gram back and told them that if they didn't give me SPECIFIC DATES, they weren't getting squat. And they won't, either. I'll take their greedy asses to court before I pay them a CENT. Fuckers stood me up TWICE and I'm going to forget that shit.

They'll be lucky if I don't sue them for continued harassment.

The rain has finally stopped by my old granny hands and my abused back are still aching and stiff like it's going to rain again. I guess it's supposed to get pretty cold tonight. I'll have to make the dog sleep with me so I can leach the heat off of her.

I also need to order a load of wood. But I want to make sure I have some $$ to pay the electrician and the HVAC guy next week. I guess I'll have to pick up that wood at my parents and use what I cut last weekend and make it last.

Last weekend I brewed and got a washer and a dryer delivered. I also picked up five 55-gallon plastic barrels for storage and other nefarious purposes.

Man, what a difference having a washing machine and a DRYER makes! I was hand washing everything (after the first washer broke) and hanging it out to dry. With the rain, it was taking stuff 4-5 days to dry out. Ugh.

Now! I put the wash in then stick it in the dryer and it's DONE in about an hour! WOW! Modern conveniences are pretty cool!

The cider is fermenting in my cellar as we speak. I have put it in the old coal bin (yes, my house is old and I like it that way) and hung up a curtain in the door to keep out the light. Those little yeasties are just going to town on all of that brown sugar!

The temp seems to remain at a constant 68F with 60% humidity. I'd need to get it a little cooler if I wanted to make some cheese down there but it's the perfect spot for it. All dark and stays at a constant temp/humidity.

I'll have to check on the fermented product tonight or tomorrow. Once the yeasties stop scarfing on the sugar, it will be time to "finish it off" by back sugaring, adding the spices and honey. YUM! That's the FUN part!

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 1:32 PM


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