With mosquito bites and it's driving me MAD!
GAH! I took a bath in oatmeal and that seemed to help but those fuckers just FEAST on my poor hide as soon as I walk out the door.
Where the FUCK is that bat when I need it? It was flying around last night but with all these damned skeeters, I'll need a swarm of bats to be rid of the damned things!
The bat box is going UP this weekend - clothesline or no. I need MORE BATS!!
I'm also ate up with venom at this stupid German bitch part deux. Dumb assed morons. I'm so fucking sick of their drama and their "DO IT NOW!!!" screaming. I mean, really. Be serious.
Nobody is going to DIE. Get it? Death = serious. Not getting what you want when you want it = life.
So this stupid bitch goes on the rampage again. And I calmly ask "did you ask the person in CHARGE OF THE PROJECT what the status was?" Well, of course not. It's much easier to scream at me across two time zones than it is to walk down the hall.
Fucking idiots. They are really getting on my nerves. I wonder if they know how stupid they look? "I can't walk down the hall and ask the person who's in charge of the project. No - I need to scream in hysterics across two time zones because it makes me feel better." Yeah, well, you look like a douche bag from where I sit.
Oh, I expect there will be some nasty answer in the morning and then the dumb ass will call and go into another fit of hysterics. *eye roll*
Bitch, didn't you hear? Michael Jackson is DEAD!
That means nothing matters anymore! NOTHING!
I wonder what she would do if I actually said that and got hysterical on HER. Hmmm. It's worth contemplating. I DO have PMS really, really bad. And my allergies are acting up. I'll keep that in mind.
It certainly beats, "oh, for the love of God, will you PLEASE shut the fuck up!"
(Psst - here's a secret ya dumb fuck - if you ASK the GUY IN CHARGE of the PROJECT - he'll tell you it's on it's way! We already worked it out! Without YOUR hysterics!)
Good Lord these people are the reason I HATE getting up in the morning. I'm so tired of this damned bullying. Don't make me come over there because you ain't going to like it.
Really - I think I'd hate work less if there were less fucking drama and more "please" and "thanks". Damn. It would pay you stupid fucks to keep a civil tongue in your head instead of saying shit like, "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT" and "I'M SO TELLING!" Think I'm kidding? If only.
Anyway - enough of those fucktards.
The dog isn't feeling too good, either. She's been throwing up snot and kinda moping around. I can completely relate.
The full moon is looking really cool in the backyard these last two days. Really cool.
I think I'm going to bite the bullet next weekend and go over to the condo, take down the wall paper and paint. I'm dreading it because I always get paint all over ME and it's just a pain in the ass.
But it needs to be done so I can sell the damned place and stop worrying about it.
The house is still mostly a wreck. Mostly. And I still have a bunch of crap in storage that I need to put in the garage or something. It's kinda dumb to have a storage place when I have a garage that I don't park in, right?
I think it's going to be an early night for me since I don't feel too good. Take my allergy drugs and lay down for a while. That sounds like a plan.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 7:07 PM
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