fucking snow and cold! Ugh. I hate it. And it needs to cease immediately.
I've had about enough of this stupid snow and ice and tires frozen to the driveway. Fuck that nonsense. Give me summer. NOW.
I'm tired of bundling up like some sort of Michelan Man and not being able to get into the car because I'm so fat with clothes. This is just miserable. I really seriously hate winter. Always have. Always will.
The only good thing about it is the screaming kids aren't outside screaming at all hours because it's too damned cold.
Bah! Humbug on those kids and a pox on the cold! Fah!
Thank the gods I have plenty of furs but I'd rather have summer.
How 'bout that Harry Markopolos (guy who has been telling the SEC about Made-off for the past decade)? He was testifying at the Senate yesterday and giving them the unvarnished Truth. I think I'm seriously in love with this man. He is a GEEK. Totally and utterly. I would have his babies (if I weren't so old and decrepit).
Really - you should do yourself a favor and listen to his testimony. It's a HOOT! Like Mr. Geek Goes to Washington and PWNED The SEC. Damn. You can't make this stuff up! It's just too good.
Here are some
links from VOA on YouTube. Too bad they can't post the whole thing but CSPAN probably has it archived.
And I love his shout out to the Russian Mob and the Latin American Drug Cartels "I'm the good guy. I tried to stop this guy from zeroing out your accounts."
Some of these congresspeople act like a pack of retards. WTF kinda questions are these? Be serious, people.
It's a small comfort to know that people like Harry are out there still trying to do The Right Thing despite the bureaucracy and idiocy.
To change gears - Molly is doing fine altho it seems to upset her when I'm home in the morning then leave in the afternoon. She peed in the floor yesterday which I don't understand. But I don't think she'll make a habit of it.
Not being able to go for our long walks is really bogus. We were both getting used to it and it helps burn off some of her energy. I made her walk yesterday and we went all over. She was a lot more relaxed once we came back.
The Realtor is supposed to come over tomorrow and take pix and measurements of my place. With the weather being so hateful I don't know if I'm going to be able to drive around and look at any of the other houses on my list for a while.
However, I do plan to act by the end of the month. I'm just waiting for all of the smoke to clear as it were. There are a lot of things going on in the background that need to settle out before anything happens.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:04 AM
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