~What in the Hell?~

Monday, January 12, 2009

~ Molly McButter-butt Sez ~

It has been a little over a month since I moved to my "furever" home with my new Big Dog. I like it here because there are a lot of people to watch and things to smell.

I love sitting in front of the glass door and watching everyone come and go. Sometimes I bark and sometimes I just lay in the sun and sleep.

Everyday Big Dog takes me for a walk early in the morning. We see people leaving for work and I like to watch them get into their cars and drive away. I like going for rides in the car (as long as I don't end up at the vet!). A few times Big Dog has scooped me up because I'm standing in the road looking when I should be moving out of the way. She tells me to hurry but sometimes I don't hurry fast enough because I want to see what's going on.

It's hard to see everything when you're so low to the ground. But I can certainly smell everything! That is my second most favorite thing to do - walk all over the neighborhood snuffling and peeing on the world! I fill up with lots of water before we go out so I don't run out of territorial marking fluid.

Every blade of grass, every leaf, every pillar, post and every discarded item must be thoroughly inspected for signs of other dogs. When I find something I really like, I will grunt and wag my tail and smell it until I can't smells it no more! Then I move on to the next thing.

Big Dog lets me stay out as long as I want most of the time (unless she gets hungry and I'm always ready to eat!). We even run when I want to run! I like to run but not very far - I'm not young anymore, you know! I can't wait for spring so I can stay out a really long time and walk to more places since it will be warm and my feet won't get too cold. Maybe I'll even feel like running more!

(Big Dog keeps asking me if I would like a yard - one like The Creature has to run in. Well, of course I would but I still want to go for walks so I can pee on the rest of the world!) She must be planning something because all of my hiding places have moved around and it's hard for me to find things now. Some things have actually come crashing down and it scares me - I don't know why Big Dog could be making so much of a mess and if that has anything to do with me getting my own yard.

So I just watch Big Dog from a safe place and wait to see what will happen next. When it is getting close to grub time, she will go into the kitchen and rattle around. Then I go sit at the door and wait. I know when it's eating time!

After she eats, she will fix me a plate (my favorite thing is scrambled eggs with some cheese!) and ask, "Molly hungry?" Well YES!

When I am done, I always ask for more. Like I said, I love scrambled eggs and anything with cheese!

After we eat and Big Dog does her Big Dog things, she will sit in the Big Chair and lift me up next to her. Then she will pet me and rub my belly until I go to sleep. Sometimes she cleans out my eyes or the fold of my nose (I don't like that much at all!) and sometimes she kisses me and talks to me (which I like better). But always there is a lot of ear scratching and belly rubbing.

At night, I like to lay by the door and make sure nobody is moving around outside. If I hear anyone I will give a soft bark. Sometimes I hear lots of people and those small people that I don't like so I will bark loud at them. Then Big Dog will yell "Quiet!" (that means she is trying to sleep. What does she do all day if not sleep and take care of me?)

Most of the time, I will stop barking but sometimes it's just so hard - especially when other dogs answer. Usually the people will go away and I will quiet down.

A few times Big Dog has come for me and put me in my bed that is next to hers. I know she's trying to really sleep then so I will be quiet and go to sleep, too. But I'm always on the alert for someone knocking at the door!

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:46 AM


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