~What in the Hell?~

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

~ Long Weekend ~

Wasn't long enough for me to recouperate. I'm still pretty freaking tired from all of the selling preparation that I did this weekend.

I rented a POD to put my holiday stuff, fabric and camping stuff in. Amazing how much JUNK I've managed to accumulate over the years.

The POD came on Friday before 8am (thankfully, I was up and dressed and had finished walking the dog). As soon as it came and was situated, I started loading it. It took me four days to load the thing up. I just did a few trips at a time because it was so freaking COLD the entire weekend and I didn't want to start sweating too much and have it freeze. Ugh. I hate that.

So now my place looks like nobody lives there. It rather sucks. And I can't start any new projects because I'd have to put them up. And I still need to mop the kitchen and that sort of cleaning stuff. But at least the BIG stuff is done. And my poor old bones can rest somewhat.

I ran a bunch of my plants home to mom until we get a new place. (The realtor told me that I can't be having a jungle growing if I wanted to sell it. So I took a bunch of them to mom who promptly freaked out).

And here's how a typical conversation goes:

I let The Creature out into the back yard. The TV is on in the background. Mom and I are talking.

Mom: "That 'possum is back. I saw it on the porch last night. (The Creature) went crazy when he saw it and wanted me to let him out but I didn't."

Me: "I'll bet that's why he wanted out just now - to see if he could find the thing. I thought dad trapped it and got rid of it?"

Mom: "I did, too, but it must be another one. I know it's gotten up under the porch because the dog keeps trying to get under there after it."

Me: (Looking out the door to see where the dog is - he's sniffing around the porch looking for the 'possum) "Do you want me to fix that lattice work under (the porch)?"

Mom: (exasperated voice) "I can't wait until he gets in!"

Me: "The dog? He's just going to want out again until he corners the damned thing."

Mom: "No. Obama! I'm so sick of this inaguration crap I could scream!"

I just look at her like "WTF?" One minute we're talking about the dog trying to corner a 'possum under the porch and in the blink of an eye she's changed the subject to the presidential inaguration. (Apparently an ad for the local TV stations coverage came on and distracted her in the middle of the 'possum conversation).

I never did fix the lattice work under the porch. I say shoot the damned 'possum (the vermin) THEN fix the porch. That old geezer dog doesn't have any teeth to bite anything let alone take on a 'possum.

So this past weekend was long and very busy. I kept mentally thanking my skating coaches over the years for the strength I've built up in my legs. Let me tell you carrying stuff down those flights of stairs would have put a MAJOR hurt on my legs if they weren't so strong. They never felt weak or tired - just a little sore. Even my back held up (which surprised the HELL out of me! I figured it would be the first thing to give out) but it was my hands that said, "no more". They don't like the cold anyway and gripping a paint brush for a week then hauling stuff was more than they cared for. By Monday morning, most of my grip strength was gone. Mercifully, there wasn't much to grip - just stuff to hang off my forearms and carry.

Oh, speaking of my skaters legs - last week at practice I tried my double flip! Yay! I've been threatening to do this for a while and I just never asked my pro if I could try it. Of course, I could have tried it on my own, but then I wouldn't know if I was doing something wrong (I wasn't sure if I could feel it like I can on a single).

But, hey, what do you know? It feels the same! More or less. The turn, takeoff and stand up are exactly the same thing. I started trying too hard near the end which was bogus but at least I know I can get the rotation I just need to hold myself in longer and push off of my front leg more.

Not scary at all. Not even second-thought worthy. Not at all like the HATED Axel. Or those other stupid edge-shift weight in mid-air nonsense people call double jumps. Double toe, double sal I'm talking to YOU!

When I attempt an Axel I really have to psych myself up for it and THINK about shifting my weight. But a double flip - bah. Just up and in. Not at all scary - you go into it ass first! How could leading with the most well-padded part of my body be scary?

So I am well-pleased with this development. I will have to work on this in my spare time now that I know what it feels like and that I can tell what I'm doing wrong.

Oh, another bit of news - my non-stop yakking co-worker has gotten a new job. Now maybe there will be some QUIET around here so I can enjoy my Ministry of Sound (which has changed their format). And I won't have to fight anybody for the lab equipment.

Not like he does any work anyway - he just SAYS he's going to so I won't use the equipment then he "forgets" to use it. No more. I don't even ask him if he needs any of the equpiment, I just run my stuff and the hell with him. He can't plan and it ain't my problem.

So there.

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 2:10 PM


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