~What in the Hell?~

Friday, December 26, 2008

~ That Went Fast! ~

Certainly much faster than I had anticipated altho I've been quite lazy and not done much of anything lately.

The Solstice came and went and it was rather depressing seeing the sun so low and pale in the sky. "The dying god" indeed. But now the days will get longer (yay!) and summer will come - eventually.

Molly met The Creature and he quickly learned that she doesn't take too kindly to having her butt constantly sniffed. So he pretty much leaves her alone and she leaves him alone. The problem is with my brother's Boxer, Jade.

For whatever reason, Jade just can't seem to leave Molly alone. She follows her all over and tries to get as close to her as possible until someone yells at her or Molly growls and snaps at her. You'd think the big dummy would learn but Molly's gotten her several times and Jade just can't leave her alone.

Molly doesn't want nothing to do with Jade but Jade just can't let it go so I have to keep a constant eye on her. It's rather tiring. I don't understand why Molly just doesn't let her sniff nor do I understand why Jade insists on following Molly all over the house after she DOES sniff her.

My brother thinks Jade is jealous (she is seriously spoiled) but I don't know of what. If she should be jealous of anyone, it should be The Creature. He gets picked up and loved on constantly. Molly just likes to lay next to you and you can pet her or not.

They are like kids. Altho The Creature has learned not to bother Molly and she won't bother him. We let them outside in the yard together and they are perfectly fine. And they are SO CUTE walking around with their little tails up wagging and their little flat faces snuffling around.

Christmas turned out better than I expected but not as good as I had hoped. Jade still refuses to let Molly alone altho both of them will mind me when I tell them "NO!" in my best calm assertive Cesar way. I guess that's going to have to work for now.

Molly minds much better than either of them. I never expected The Creature to pay much attention to anyone. Why in the hell would he start now?

But I need Molly to mind and be good because of our living arrangements. The Creature I could always take back to mom and dad if he didn't like staying in the condo. Molly is just going to have to deal with it.

She's adjusting to the noise and all of the comings and goings around the building and she still will bark if she hears several voices or another dog barking. Nobody else in the building seems to care that their dogs yap incessantly but I'm not going to let Molly do that while I'm there. She gets two barks to tell me something's going on and then I tell her to stop. She usually does.

It was particularly noisy over the holiday because of all the kids running around but she didn't yap. She just barked once and would watch the door.

She still doesn't like to have kids rush up to her or try to pet her but they don't listen when I tell them to stay away from her. I think they scare her rushing up trying to grab at her. So I'm trying to avoid taking her out when there are kids around (because stupid parents won't make their kids mind).

Eventho I have her on a short leash and I tell kids to leave her alone, they don't listen. And their stupid parents won't tell them to leave the dog alone. One of these days I just want to cut her loose and say, "kill! Kill!" and see what the parents do. I won't, of course, but it certainly is a deliciously evil thought to harbor.

We go for long walks every morning (Christmas morning we were out walking for about an hour) and then again in the evening. I rather like it. There are shorter walks before bed and on the weekends but we get in that long morning walk and a long evening walk every day. I like it just as much as she does, I think.

Her fur is really starting to come in on her belly. Her chest hair is a little thin but she's stopped scratching and her hot spots are clearing up - most of them are gone. She's still got some scabs that need to come off but she's not making any more raw spots on her belly or back.

She is, however, digging at her left front paw (she's chewed all of the hair out between the pads and it's all swollen) and at her nose-fold. The vet gave me some cortisone wipes but they only seem to last for a little while. Sometimes she is fine and other times she just wants to rub her little face raw. (I'll have to see if it's some sort of outdoor or other allergy).

She is eating very well. She seems to like vegetables (carrots, green beans) and she LOVES cheese. So do I so we're getting along great in the food department.

I usually cook (yes, I know) because that way, I KNOW what the "fillers" are (flax, barley and oats) and what it's cooked in (olive oil or steamed). If I'm not hungry or don't feel like cooking, she gets her expensive dog food.

And I am adjusting well to her. She doesn't seem to mind my violin or drum practice nor when I do my yoga tapes. She hides under the kitchen table when I'm cooking so she's not in my way. She doesn't chew up stuff or jump on the furniture (not that I would mind the furniture thing since The Creature does it) and she behaves when I tell her to.

She's a good dog and I'm glad I found her.

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:52 AM


At 11:16 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Molly sounds wonderful and you sound SO happy with her! I'm glad that you both found each other! Happy New Year!


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