So the 'rents and I took our annual pilgrimage to Vegas this year over Thanksgiving. I lost my ass on slot machines. I wasn't in too much of a mind to be around others playing craps or roulette altho I was winning at both. I just wanted to mindlessly sit and watch those wheels spin around. That's what I did and I lost my ass. Oh, well.
But I DID manage to get 90% of my Christmas shopping done which is good. Dad and I took the bus to the Outlet Mall on Black Friday. It was not the most intelligent thing to do but at least he finally understands what "The Biggest Shopping Day of The Year" means in all of it's glory.
I'd like to send some good thoughts to the table of teen-aged Asian boys who let my dad and I have their table in the jam-packed food court. Dad was getting tired and wanted an ice cream (he's 78 so it's ok to be tired after all that shopping) but we couldn't find a table. One of the teenagers waved me over and waited until we got to them then gave us our table. Bless!
Everyone was very nice all day. Not just to us, either. I saw some 20-ish Latina give her seat to a very old Asian lady on the bus. Dad clogged up aisles and doorways but people didn't push at him or try to run him over - they would just touch him on the arm and say, "excuse me". I was really surprised. Especially on Black Friday. But maybe we were out after all of the shoving had been done. I don't know but it was a rather nice experience.
How crowded and noisy was it? According to Dad, "I can't wait to get back to the casino where's it's quiet".
We ended up getting home at 3am Sunday morning. The dog went NUTS. Poor old geezer is half blind as well as deaf because I came in the house first and asked my brother to help with the luggage and the dog just looked at me.
He didn't bark or anything (the dog, not my brother) until I put my hand down to him and he smelled me. Then he went crazy barking and running around screaming like he does.
It was nice to get home and just lay on the couch for the rest of the day. I'm still a little tired but there's no rest for the wicked.
Before I left, I applied to adopt two dogs from one of the local Peke rescues. One of them is a Peke and the other *was* a Peke mix. I say *was* because the poor thing died while I was gone (she was still with her foster mom). I am quite stunned. I knew she had eye infections but I didn't realize she was so ill. I don't think anyone did.
I'm supposed to pick up the other one this weekend. Her name is Molly and she is about 8 years old or so. The place is all ready for her - I have some bowls and a bed and a travel case (the rescue wanted me to have something to transport her in - I guess they don't believe in letting them wander the car like The Creature does when he rides with me). I'm picking up her food and shampoo this week.
She'll be going home for Christmas with me so The Creature will probably go nuts once he can half see/smell her. He doesn't mind my bother's boxer but anything his size he just can't fathom so he'll be all trying to smell and carry on. And it will be one more dog to take attention away from his spoiled hide!
Compared to the turmoil of the last month or so, the holidays should be pretty tame! (Here's hoping, anyway).
Before I left town, I made up the Christmas candy so that's one less chore I need to do. I could start to make a habit out of this - it's kinda nice not having to rush around and plan everything down to the last minute!
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:23 PM
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