~What in the Hell?~

Saturday, December 06, 2008

~ Molly & Me ~

Today I picked up my adopted rescue dog.  The weather, of course, had to be just awful - snowing, blowing, drifting.  Ugh.  

The foster mom was 1/2 hour late meeting me because the roads were so bad.  But everything worked out in the end.

Molly - my adopted dog - is home now.  She is a very good and well-mannered dog.  I put her in a crate to bring her home so I could strap it in (had the weather been ok, I wouldn't have bothered.  I don't put The Creature in a crate so why should anyone else have to ride in one?)

She is a bit nervous and timid (as I can understand).  At first she didn't want to leave the kitchen but now she's in the living room.  She wouldn't come in here until I picked her up and put her in here.  She has a bed in here that she's laying in now.  

I guess it's a good thing she doesn't realize she has complete run of the place yet.  It will become apparent to her over time, I'm sure.

Her fur is very thin - apparently she has a food allergy that causes problems and it's only been lately that her fur has started to completely come in.  But her foster mom gave me a little coat for her that she can wear (and she does wear it - unlike The Creature who hates any of that stuff - but he rarely gets chilly).

Molly was curled up in a dew ball until I put a blankey on her.  A dew ball means one is cold.  Now that she is covered, she's asleep and snoring like a drunken sailor.  

I really feel sorry for the thing.  She was turned over to the local humane society about a year ago and since then she's been moved from foster home to foster home about every 3-4 months to make room for puppies.  

She is about 7 years old and adult dogs don't need the attention and training that puppies do.  

Her only "issue" seems to be she barks at other dogs when she's on a leash until she can smell them.  Then she's ok.  

Oh, and she's fat.  I mean like a butter ball.  Round like that.  I couldn't believe it.  The Creature is - well, not thin (he freaking eats whenever he wants) but you can feel his ribs and his belly is not fat.  But she is.  That should change with all of the stair-walking we are going to be doing around here.  

And I can't actually say anything about anyone's belly being round!  lol!  I am hoping that the two of us will do enough walking to get some weight off the both of us.  At least I PLAN on walking her quite a bit.  Like I do The Creature.  Altho she may not particularly care for walking around until it gets warmer outside.

She has shown no interest in toys, either, but maybe that will change once she gets used to me.

After being with her just this short time, I have no concern about leaving her alone.  I don't think she will mind at all as long as I leave the radio or TV on.  

Tonight I think I'm going to finish the baking for Christmas and maybe get out some decorations.  I really hate to put more stress on her but I don't think she'll really mind.  She's very quiet (except when snoring) and is just sort of watching me (like I'm watching her).

She'll get used to me and soon come to realize that she is going to be spoiled.  Bad.  But not as bad as The Creature!  He is beyond spoiled!

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 5:46 PM


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