~What in the Hell?~

Monday, October 13, 2008

~ An Office Rant ~

Some people are just plain lazy slobs. My co-worker is one of those. Sometimes I'd just like to slap him and tell him to STFU and get to work.

He wanders the hallways chit-chatting about his golf score and trying to get people to play golf with him. When he's not outside smoking.

He flatly refuses to box or ship anything - even in an emergency because it's "beneath" him to do so. That's why we have a temp person - to do that stuff. Nevermind that he's already overwhelmed the temp person with HIS other work (that he's too lazy to do).

So today, I'm boxing up emergency stuff to ship to the plants that they have been screaming about for two weeks. I told this clown to get his shit together (most of it is HIS stuff) and I'd ship it out. Well, a day and a half later, he's still wandering around in the halls talking about golf. Now, I have a pickup scheduled for this afternoon. And if he can't get his shit to me an hour before the scheduled pickup, his shit won't go and I'll be sure to make that clear.

I'm really getting sick and tired of getting nasty grams from people because this clown won't do his job.

Get this - when I was gone for two weeks on vacation, I guess he went crying to the boss that he had too much work to do and wanted ME to take over half of his workload. I was like "uh, no." Then the boss ran some numbers to see who, in fact, has the most materials to take care of. Well, guess who that would be? Yeah. I have to babysit about 1300 materials while lazy ass has only about 500 total. And he's crying that "it's too much".

Well - MAYBE, just MAYBE if you got off of your lazy ass and did your JOB instead of wandering around talking and sitting in the smoking area, it wouldn't be so overwhelming!

He was told that since my workload is obviously larger that he wouldn't be getting any help from ME (not by me, but by the boss who is still trying to figure out why he can't keep up. Don't expect me to say anything).

And this fucker comes rolling in about 9:30am and leaves about 4pm when the boss is traveling on business. Is it any wonder he's so far behind?

Now he's bitching about the temp worker who just started two weeks ago. The ass clown has tried to dump all of his work on the temp but the temp doesn't know what's going on so he's screwing everything up. Then assclown gets all mad because HE has to go sort out what the temp has screwed up. Like maybe if you did your work yourself you wouldn't HAVE to follow the temp and take twice as long.

The temp is just supposed to be making copies and shipping material. Easy. A trained monkey could do it. But ass clown can't wait to get the temp trained. He wants the temp to start doing HIS (Ass Clown's work) now. So he just dumped it on the temp and walked off figuring the temp could figure it out. Uh, no.

Whenever the boss asks him a simple question like, "have you gotten the results back on this yet?" He has to launch into an hour long explanation of how he can't get anything done because blah, blah, blah. If you keep asking the question, he won't answer. He just keeps making excuses and trying to blame everyone and everything for not doing his job.

And it's never anything simple like "oh, I forgot that was due!" No. It's a litany of excuses about how everyone is conspiring against him, the temp is dumb, he's too busy, there are too many other emergencies, people won't stop calling him. WTF?

When I get "too busy" I simply stop answering the phone and only answer emails when I can get around to it. It really is that easy. If somebody is THAT desperate, they can come and find me in the lab.

Now it's getting late and the courrier pickup is due right after lunch. Has the Ass Clown given me the stuff to ship? No. As a matter of fact, he can't find the materials OR the paperwork. He's running around in a panic trying to figure out where he put this stuff (hint: it's not where it SHOULD be) and accusing the temp of "moving it" so he can't find it.

Whatever. He has an hour. Then I'm packing up what's ready and shipping it. Tough crap for him.

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 10:18 AM


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