~What in the Hell?~

Friday, September 12, 2008

~ TGIF ~

It's Friday and I'm glad. I'm completely worn out and I don't feel like I've even done much of anything.

I've managed to screw up my GC run so I'll have to figure out what the hell happened there and get the materials to match up. Half-wit!

On Wednesday I had a skating lesson and inadvertently almost landed a double lutz! WTF??? Seriously. I have a bad habit of trying to my second jump in a combination BEFORE I've landed the first one. Normally I would just fall but in this particular instance I rotated again which freaked me out.

I was trying to do a lutz loop since my lutzes were looking quite lovely (nice, high and effortless). So I'm in the air and I'm thinking I've been there too long so I'm just going to pull in for my loop, right? Well, wrong. I wasn't on Terra Firma at the time so I continued to rotate. I came out forwards (which is 1 1/2 revolutions). Had I actually KNEW what I was doing and pulled in tighter, I'm sure I could've gotten that extra 1/2 rotation.

Then I would have peed myself in excitement and my pro would have made me try it again. It's just not acceptable to land something ONCE. Oh, no! One must be able to land said jump on DEMAND. No freak accidents accepted.

But at least I know what it's supposed to feel like (if I get daring and decide to take my life in my hands). It's not really as hard as one would think. It's just push off your front foot and lean back into it. Weird but that's what it feels like to me.

Then yesterday I skated again. Today I was wanting to skate after work but my old bones are so damned tired I don't know if I could even get my skates ON. And all of the rain isn't helping, either. I just want to go home, curl up in a dew ball and read a book. I think that's what's going to be on my agenda for tonight.

Yes, I need to go to the gym and yes, I need to get on the ice but I'm damned tired. And I have a full weekend planned so I need to rest up for that. Next weekend is more camping and I hope to have some new recipies for the Dutch Oven before then. (I know I will, I just need to get the ingredients together).

So my butt is dragging today and I'm having serious focus issues because I screwed up my GC run. UGH!! I've done nothing productive today except answer email and sort assignments. But at least I got that much done. (That can take all day sometimes, depending on what's happening).

And my belly is making hideous gurguling noises that are quite disturbing. It's probably a direct result of all the shredded wheat I've been eating. Must stop that.

My knee is acutally feeling quite a bit better. So much better that I did want to skate 3 days in a row on it. Until the rest of my body pooped out (literally, in this case).

The Creature is back home where he belongs. I'm surprised someone didn't call the cops on Friday when I was loading up the car to go camping. He sat out on the balcony and screamed like someone was trying to murder him. Serious separation anxiety!

On Sunday when I stopped by the house to drop off the yurt for safe keeping, he wouldn't even give me the time of day. His furry ass HID from me! Like I was going to snatch him up and spirit him away again! HA! That mutt!


The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 1:40 PM


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