~What in the Hell?~

Monday, November 05, 2007

~ It's Been A Very Long Time ~

And I apologize. Vegasm, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry. Things have been hairy here lately.

First off - War. It rained and rained and rained like a mother. Wrath of God type rain. No tornados, tho, thankfully. They came pretty close on two occassions. But we survived. The theme of packing up was "separate the merely damp from the truly soaking". The yurt kept everything dry which was good. And when it wasn't raining, it was a virtual steam bath.

Needless to say - hardly any of the rum got drunk so I had to haul it all home and then to Harvest Days up in Yellow Springs. But I FORCED people to drink it all. ALL two friggin' GALLONS of the stuff with the pineapple. Oh, they pleaded and begged for mercy but I would have NONE of it. "DRINK THE DAMNED RUM!!" I commanded my minions. Thankfully, they obeyed. It's a sad, sad day when the flying monkeys refuse to do my bidding. *sigh*

So every campout this year it has rained - without fail. Gah! Mud, crud, soaking wet - but it was still fun.

Work - let's see - got put on another cost savings project. No dealing with fucking idiots which has been a total BLESSING. The guys I'm on the project with have just started to deal with the franchise/marketing fucktards. They can't believe how hysterical and aggressive those morons are.

Hello? Why do you think everyone in my job HATES them? They refuse to listen to anything you tell them and will continually ask the same question over and over again hoping you'll finally tell them what they want to hear. And if you refuse - they go ask everyone they can think of until SOMEONE tells them what they want to hear. All the while getting more and more hysterical about non-issues. Why, I dunno. But it's annoying and unproductive.

So, I'm working on this project where I don't have to deal with those hysterical harpies and it's just great. The only bad thing about it - it's gonna end. Like in two or three months. And unless I find something else, I'll be forced to return to the depths of hell.

That really has taken up most of my time lately. It was rather a game of "chicken" between us and the plants. They kept saying they could go with new formulas as soon as we had them written (thinking we wouldn't have them for a month or more). Well, they got caught napping because we had those things ready to go in two weeks. HA! And we gloated amongst ourselves.

Skating is going ok. My pro's adult students (there are 4 of us) are going to do a spot in the Xmas show. That should be pretty fun. I haven't done a show in a long time.

Still working on my jumps and that. The PT has helped tremendously, tho. My jumps are a lot higher and I don't get as tired. Lately, however, I've managed to come down with some sort of henious virus I can't seem to shake. Really annoying, too.

It's settled in my back and hurts like hell.

What else? Well, I've been doing more embroidery. The weather has gotten cooler so I'm spending more time inside which means sewing and embroidery. I've taken to embroidering pillow cases and dish towels to practice my stitches. I figure why not? I need to practice and might as well put the floss to good use.

I'm halfway thru another scrap quilt. I think I might give this one to my brother. Becky has asked for a rag rug so that will help cut down on the fabric scraps that continue to breed behind my (aching) back.

We're off to Vegas again for Thanksgiving. Mom's excited. Dad can't wait to run my legs off shopping. Me? I wanna see backstage at the showgirls. My needs are simple - free booze, a craps table and showgirls. Why does life have to be so complicated?

That's about all I'd like to confess to at this point in time.

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 1:47 PM


At 2:16 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh YAY! I'm so glad you're all right! Have a blast at your skating show and in Vegas. Get in lots of trouble!

Missing you!


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