~What in the Hell?~

Monday, July 16, 2007

~ War is almost here! ~

I spent the weekend getting ready! Finishing up last minute sewing and generally laying around being a human blob. But hey. It had to be done.

I've gotten most of my stuff packed - believe it or not. Just have some wall hangings that I need to take down and pack up. Probably won't do that until the last minute, tho. No reason to.

Work is hatin' on me. Still. And I'm hatin' right back.

It's weird - I like the project I'm on and several people have asked me if I want to stay on it. I'm like "absolutely! I don't want to go back to where I was". But I have a feeling the sea hag isn't going to let me simply because she's a bitch and can't stand that I'm happy and getting good reviews.

But that's ok because I've updated my resume. If I can't stay where I am I'm not going to stay in this place. Period. She's a shitty manager - one of the worst I've had - and I don't have to put up with it.

I'm seriously considering going to work for Linda's daughter and maybe doing some teaching on the side as well as maybe holding down a part time job elsewhere. I just can't take this stupid bullshit.

The dumb bitch doesn't want to do her job - she's sitting on all the docs I need her to sign. But hey - she can't blame ME for it since the evidence is in her possession. I don't know what she thinks she's going to prove by being a complete bitch, other than she's not qualified or competent to do her job.

Not my problem. I'm going away to war. And I'm going to have fun and there's nothing that worthless shitforbrains can do about it, either!

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:23 AM


At 11:21 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Neph! Hey, I was thinking about you, and came to see how you're doing and you haven't made an entry in MONTHS! I'm worried about you. I'm hoping you've just made a new page of which i'm not aware, which is fine. As long as you're well.

You're missed VERY much!

Much love


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