~What in the Hell?~

Monday, July 09, 2007

~ It's JULY?? Already?? ~

As karmic payback for my rant on the "TB man" living in my building, I was struck with a double ear infection. That I didn't realize I had.

Yeah. Hard to believe. I thought it was just a sinus infection so I tried to shake it on my own. No dice. So I broke down and went to the doctor who told me "well, the drainage is coming from your ears. Both of them have infected fluid build up - you don't have any pain?" Uhm, no.

Two weeks and many drugs later, I finally felt a little better. Apparently it was all due to allergies (go figure). This year, from what I hear, has been really really bad for allergies. Now I'm taking the preventative measures. Still don't feel totally "right" - my ears pop a lot now and I get a bit dizzy at times (not real good for a skater) but at least I don't feel exhausted all of the time.

And I can't believe it's already July. I mean - WTF? The summer is half over and what have I done? Not a damned thing! Pathetic, I tell you!

Not totally a loss, tho. I gave the dog a bath last week and de-grinched his feet. Was he PISSED! Man! Started screaming like I was beating him until Mom came back to the utility sink to make sure he was ok. Sure, he was. He just didn't want a bath. Then he tore around the house like a maniac once I got him dried off a bit.

Mom said she thinks he's finally "forgiven" me for my actions. *rolls eyes* Whatever. That flat-faced mongrel better be glad I don't see him more often or he'd be getting a bath every week!

Work is just utterly boring. But that could be a good thing, I guess. The sea hag is being an uber-bitch and refusing to complete my review. It's 6 months overdue and HER part is the only one missing. But she keeps making excuses as to WHY she can't quite get it done when I ask her about it. Whatever. Dumb bitch. It just makes HER look bad. Not me. She's done made her power play and failed miserably.

I have some things to keep me busy and I could be pro-active and get some stuff started but I'm not going to bother. Not like I'm going to get any sort of "reward" or even personal satisfaction from it. So I'll just sit here, biding my time for war until I can escape this reality and go back to where I belong.

Been sewing like a fiend here lately. Should have a few more things done by war, too. Probably not embroidered but at least wearable. I can embroider them over the winter. If I can pry myself away from my readings!

The class list is up for Pennsic. Latin is back! Wooo! Drum at noon then Latin at 1pm. What more could a girl ask for? Too bad I can't make a living going to classes and regurgitating what I've learned. That'd be pretty cool!

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:40 AM


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