Is finally here! Yay! Sunshine! Heat! I'm very happy about this.
Once again, however, I have been neglecting my postings. Been busy still remodeling the kitchen. Finally found a color for the cabinets that I liked. Then broke down and bought a mitre saw. Yeah, well, this weekend I discovered I could actually make camp furniture with it. Hmmm. So many cool things to do an no time to do them. Isn't that how it always is?
Last weekend I went camping - the first campout of the season. It was cold and wet (so what's new) but I had a good time. We sat around Saturday night and told true ghost stories (weird shit that has happened to us). That was really interesting and amusing.
Then I got to play my drum while someone sang (which was very cool!).
Started seeing a personal trainer because the pain in my hip just got so bad I couldn't hardly stand it anymore. I've been going about a month and it has been quite amazing. I can now sleep on my side if I am so inclined. And I'm not nearly as stiff when I get up off the floor. Nothing sucks worse than not being able to sit on the floor (since that's where I spend most of my time when I'm home).
This weekend I'm planning on pitching the yurt and getting it ready for war. Going to put some insulation in it since it is the Nicole Richie of yurts (nothing but a literal skeleton and the covering). Poor thing needs fattened up a bit so we'll work on that this weekend. And I want to paint the rafters in it.
Looks like it will be a busy weekend for me. But that is getting to be typical now that summer is here. Yay! The older I get, the more I hate winter. Ugh.
The flat face tried to bite me last week when I saw him. (OK - he can't actually BITE. More like he tried to gum me.) For whatever reason, the old geezer got a wild hair and decided he wanted to play. So he jumped at me and tried to gum me. Needless to say, he got a beatin'.
Apparently, I'm the only one who chases him around the house anymore. Poor baby!
Work still sucks but at least it's bearable. My "manager" is a complete douchebag bitch. She was supposed to do my review back in December and went on the warpath so I would get it done in two weeks (instead of the usual 6 everyone else has been given). I got it done but then she decided to fuck around until NOW and thinks I should "rewrite" it so SHE doesn't look bad for not getting it done on time. WTF? (The review system is now electronic so it tracks when who did what. If I leave it as is, she looks like the idiot she is for not getting it in on time.)
You lazy bitch! Maybe if you would have done your job instead of fucking off chit-chatting all damned day you wouldn't need to lie about shit.
What a loser.
Speaking of "losers", that asshole Mike has decided he now would like to speak to me again. It would seem he's found a new "victim" for his attention so he doesn't need to bother me anymore and it's now permissible to speak to me. Well, fuck that. I've had your stupid "shunning" one too many times. Just because YOU have gotten over your snit doesn't mean *I* am willing to forget about it (AGAIN).
Riddle me this, Batman - what in the HELL ever gave him the idea I found him remotely attractive? Simply because I spoke to him? Apparently that's all it takes for some people.
He's done this twice before where he gets pissed off at me for not "lusting" him then ignores me for months on end.
Well, this is the last time. He gets pissed off at ME because I won't go out with him and yet still continue to be civil to him. In his deluded mental state he equates talking to him as wanting to fuck him. Ew. As if!.
I've had it with his bullshit. If he wants to act like an asshole and not speak to me because I don't "lust" after him then fine. For the record, he's a disgusting yeti with gnarly ass teeth who I wouldn't fuck with Paris Hilton's diseased vagina.
It goes without saying he doesn't have many friends. As a matter of fact, I can't think of any unmarried woman he HASN'T pulled this shit with at one time or another. He thinks if you talk to him (quite literally) that you want to marry and/or fuck him. Completely delusional.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 2:02 PM
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