~What in the Hell?~

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

~ Mental Health Days ~

So I decided to take some days off of work for various reasons. Let me tell you, it has felt wonderful.

Those bitches are just going to have to suck it up and deal.

I was off yesterday and slept in until 10am! Wooooo! Then I got up, organized all of my fabric (a labor of Hercules); sorted and organized all my buttons, sequins, sewing stuff, embroidery stuff, painting stuff - the whole nine yards.

Then I went skating. It was so nice! I just GOOFED OFF!! Didn't work on any of my test crap - just jumped and spun and goofed off. I went to see my therapist then to the store where I got a dozen cookies! Wooo! (Of course, after the third one I couldn't eat any more. That much sugar is just gross to me.)

I came home, sat on my ass and watched TV while I embroidered. And it felt so good! And I'm doing it again today! (Altho I was up at 630am for a conference call - ugh.) But I went back to bed.

Once I got up today, I've just cleaned. Yes, CLEANED. And I've enjoyed every minute of it. Put things away, dusted, swept, ran the dishwasher, put the stars on the ceiling in the bedroom. Now I'm fixing to go pick up my new skating bag (that FINALLY got here) and go skating - AGAIN!!! More goofing off today.

Then I'm going home and mom is going to stuff me with grub (home made chicken & dumplings and a CAKE!), I'm going to beat The Creature and it's going to be so nice.

No fucking work bitching. No whiners. Man, I tell you what - I should do this once a month just to keep myself from going positively INSANE.

Sad, isn't it? All I really want is some time to clean (it helps me think), sew/embroider, paint and read. I really don't have many more wants than that. Well, ok, I'd love to have a big old English garden like my grandma had to piddle in but I have to settle for the window boxes. But still. My wants are pretty simple, really.

Books and fabric. Throw in some flowers, nice dinners, shoes on occassion and a clean house. And the Goodwill, of course. So I can roam around and look at everything. And my drum, of course. And my skates. Those two things go without saying, really.

OK. It's time for me to hit the rink! Yay! I get to skate (almost) as much as I want this week!

Oh, and I did call the credit card company and get my rate lowered. Damned loan sharks were charging me 23% interest! WTF?? So that's taken care of and is one less thing to worry about.

When I go home, I'm going to have mom pin up these pants of mine so I can hem them later. That will be nice.

I would highly recommend that everyone take a couple of days off a month (besides the weekend) to just do what the hell you want. Don't tell anyone, either, outside of work. Just take the days off and do your "thang" for a couple of days. Read, swim, lay around and stare at the ceiling - who cares as long as it isn't "work".

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 1:27 PM


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