FRIDAY!!! At long last! I'm pooped out. This has been a long week for me. A loooooong busy week.
The good news - Flat Face is doing fine. Yay! Mom said he's back to his old self running around, playing with his toys and eating. I'm very glad to hear that. It means I'll be able to go see him and beat on him finally! lol! I felt bad beating him when he wasn't feeling good. But now that he's back to "normal" - well, he's gonna get a beatin'! ;-) (For those of you just catching up, a "beatin'" is chased around the house, hit with a pillow and spun around on the kitchen floor so his little feet scrabbles in place. He loves it. Or at least he certainly ACTS like he loves it!)
I tried out the dishwasher last night. It works! It didn't blow up or anything dramatic like that. I was impressed. It started right up when I turned the breaker back on so apparently I wired it up correctly. What do you think about that? And no leaks. I'm amazed.
So now I have a dishwasher that works and a washing machine that works! It's a miracle! Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to finish up all of the washing. FINALLY. And put all my camping stuff away. Most of it is already put up but I couldn't wash the rugs. Once those are done, I'll be able to put everything away for the winter. That's kinda sad.
I was hoping to return from exile this weekend but, alas, I was the only person who could make it on such short notice. Next weekend all the camps from Springwood are returning home so I might have to take a road trip.
It's probably better this way. I'm really tired and driving 5 hours would exhaust me. I'm probably going to lay around all weekend and maybe do some cleaning. I have no ambition to do anything other than rest. 'Cause I need it.
The sea hag has been off my ass but that doesn't mean anything. Just means she's up to no good. Probably making another list of the "bad" things I've done. Whatever. Get a life.
I would sincerely like a nap today. But right now I have a safety meeting. Hopefully I won't fall asleep in it. And if I do, well, that's just one more thing the sea hag can add to the list of my "transgressions".
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:58 AM
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