I've been slacking, yessiree, slacking! And being sideswiped by the sea hag and her minions.
Where to begin? Where to begin? How about after my last post?
Right after my last post, the Sea Hag just shows up and says "we have a meeting next Wednesday about your work plan. HR is going to be there." Just a demand. No rhyme or reason just "show up." Fine. Whatever.
I gather my forces (aka documentation). Turns out she wanted to bitch and complain and trot out "santa's naughty list" for all of the infractions she CLAIMS I have done since March. I ask "why wasn't this brought up before now? It's been six months. Why didn't you say something before now if this was an issue?"
Think she answered me? Oh, hell no. She thinks she can just pull shit, mass an army and I'm going to cave in and start bawling. Fuck that. That shit just makes me MAD.
I start demanding documentation. If she is trying to fire me, she damned well better be getting some documentation of all this shit I'm allegedly doing. Of course she has nothing. And now I have a lawyer.
I was subjected to a drug test and forced to see some counselor who, when I told him about the situation, said "it's obvious your manager needs to meet with you more often than every six months." Well, no shit, sherlock! But *I* am the one with "the problem".
She has avoided me like the plague since our little run in. HR came to me and wanted to "talk" about the fact that that bitch hadn't bothered to meet with me in six months. I told her that I had nothing to say. "I told you she pulled this last year and you didn't believe it. Now she has admitted it in front of you and she still hasn't been reprimanded? Talk to me when she's been written up for this unprofessional behavior." And I walked off. Fuck the lot of them.
Namby-pamby backstabbing harpies. Useless, the lot of them. Whining, sniveling, spineless cowards!
I find it amusing to see how many people are leaving our department. It makes me wonder if anyone is going to wake up and realize WHY people are leaving in droves. I doubt it. But I can dream.
Yesterday I had an interview somewhere else. It went ok. Hopefully I will hear from them by the end of the week one way or another.
Right now I'm in a holding pattern. Then I was told I was being put on another project (because I'm the only one who seems able to do work around here). Hey, as long as I don't have to put up with the idiotic backstabbers and the sea hag, it's all good.
What else? Oh, The Creature seems to have developed arthritis in his back. Poor pitiful little guy. He walks around with this perpetual hump and he just looks so sad. Mom thought he was constipated! lol! I'm like "he ain't constipated! His neck is hurting!" So she gave him a baby aspirin which seemed to help him.
Some days he's ok and other days he's not so good. I just feel bad for him. I KNOW that has to hurt. He doesn't want to lay down, either. I guess that must hurt, too. Poor guy. When he's not feeling good, I can't scoop him up and love on him. And it just kills me, too. :-( I wub my precious baby!
Skating is going ok. My ankle is still sore and I can't jump on it yet. That's bogus. And - get this - I just found out my arch-nemesis reads my blog! Oh, the humanity! Spying won't help you, Jeff! I will still kick your butt! lol! ;-)
September is never a good month for me. I just don't like it. I'm glad October is here. And I'm homesick. But - possible good news! It seems those of us living in exile may get to return "home" this weekend. It would be nice. I'll freeze my ASS off but still - back to drumming and dancing and all that fun stuff. Oh, yeah. I'm all about that.
Here's a
fun link. Ask it questions and it answers. It's a lot of fun. (But remember, I'm easily amused!)
Oh, yeah. Other stuff - this past weekend I battled with the washing machine and dishwasher. My washing machine decided to die a horrible and painful death (the basket broke away from the frame). So I had to get a new one. While I was there, I decided to get a new dishwasher (which hasn't worked in, oh, about 8 years or so).
The delivery guys installed the washing machine (after much grunting). But I decided to install the dishwasher myself. Why? I dunno. Maybe I figured I needed to bang my head against the drainpipes and try to electrocute myself. It sounded like a good idea at the time.
So now my elbow is black and sore from hitting it on something. And my back has a big bruise on it from crawling under the sink and trying to hook up the water/drain. Do we see a theme here? I can't do anything without half beating myself senseless.
But now the accursed thing is in and hooked up. (Thanks to dad for talking me thru the ordeal). I don't have the guts to flip the breaker, tho and see if it works. I'm going to have to eventually I guess. I'll soon run out of dishes. lol!
That's been the big excitement here. I'm due for some rest I think. I need some rest at any rate.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:38 PM
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