In a freak accident on the ice, I managed to sprain my ankle. Yeah. It hurt like a mo' fo'. I thought I had broken it and probably would have if I didn't have my skates on.
It was just one of those weird things - foot bending in strange way it was never supposed to. I tried to get up and kept moaning, "oh, it hurts! It hurts!" The urge to swear was great but I held my tongue - there are too many young girls around and I don't want to cuss a blue streak in front of them. (They'd probably have to ask their parents what "such and such" meant - lol!)
Of COURSE I was doing Moves. Do I get hurt jumping, spinning or otherwise hurling my body carelessly into space? Aw, hell no! But figures - I can really hurt myself doing figures. And I HATE them for it.
I sat down for a while until I could feel my toes again. Then I tried to walk. Once I discovered I could walk, I skated. Nothing too intense. I just wanted to get back out on the ice and do a few laps so I wouldn't hesitate the next time.
As I was sitting in the lobby unlacing my skates, one of the ladies I skate with sat down next to me. I pulled the skate tongue back and peered into my boot.
"Well, there's no blood," I say encouragingly.
"Are there any bones sticking out?" She asks, leaning over to see.
Me - loosening up skate more to pull it off - "nope - no bones."
"Then you're not that hurt," she laughs.
True, that. And even if I were I certainly wouldn't let on with all of those hockey players lurking around. Or the little girls. The last thing you want to do is scare someone.
I did the self-medication for a while of elevation, soaking, icing it, wrapping it and taking the ibuprofen. Then my toes swelled up like little Vienna sausages so I broke down and went to the Urgent Care.
Not broken. Just sprained. Doc said I could skate next week (but no jumping)! Yay for quick recovery! He said what I am doing for it was good and keep it up. Also do my off ice exercises for my foot.
It is feeling better every day. A little stiff and still purple in places but not as painful as it was on Friday. Owwww! I didn't even want covers on it.
Oh. My washing machine won't spin. Another minor annoyance one must deal with. The agitator works fine and it will wash. The stupid tub just won't spin.
So, bum foot and all I pulled the damned thing out to look at the belt (I thought it was broken - the belt, I mean). Nope. Something else. So now I have to find someone to come out and fix it. Bogus.
If it ain't one thing, it's another.
I've found a couple of jobs I think I will apply for. I need to call these people and see what the deal is. It gets kinda old operating in crisis mode all of the time because OTHER people can't plan.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 1:21 PM
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