Today was land grab. I went on a rum run. I have 4 gallons of the stuff so I'm hoping that's enough. It damn well oughta be! LOL!
On the way home from the liquor store, I saw a SHELBY!! OMG!! I knew EXACTLY what it was as soon as I laid eyes on it. Being the car whore I am (and dearly, dearly wanting a Shelby of my own), I got all tingly. Of course, the individual driving it didn't know what the hell he was doing (couldn't even catch me in my 4-banger). It should be taken away from him and given to ME!! I would show him how to drive such an awesome thing!

It was white witih blue stripes. Oh, man, it was awesome! I had to slow down to keep him in my rear-veiw mirror. And I stayed with him until my exit came up. Damn, that thing was hot! Gave me goosebumps to see something like that. Wants it!! Wants it baaaaaad!
So, of course I had to call dad and tell him. I mean, he can appreciate something like that. Mom wouldn't know a Shelby from a Chevette nor would she care. But dad knew. And he appreciated it.
That was today's big excitement.
For the rest of the day has been spent packing the car (mostly) and getting ready to leave on Wednesday. Believe it or not, the yurt fits in the car and I have enough room for my junk. Of course, I have to have a place for everything - certain things fit in certain places - but that's ok. It's mostly clothes that go on the bottom (under the rafters and the sides). The liquor goes in the trunk (since it's not cold) and the cool has to go in the front seat with my drum and my violin.
That's all the big stuff and it's in there. I might not even have to put the one tote on the trunk but I probably will. That way I can have plenty of room coming home for the junk I will buy there.
Not like I really NEED anything. But I'm sure there's probably some fabric I can't live without and a few books. But I'm not really looking to BUY anything - at least not a whole lot of things. I've got about every book I need or want in regards to costuming. OK - I'd really LOVE a copy of "Queen Elizabeth's wardrobe unlocked" but that's about $200. Yeah.
Now I'm kinda tired. I still need to repaint my toenails (I'm certainly not going to do it there) and get my henna made. I'll do that here in a bit.
I finally managed to make it to the fabric store and get more metallic thread. So I'll be doing a bit more embroidery on Steve's tunic as my toenails are drying. Doesn't that sound so exciting? lol! I'm going to watch "Forensic Files", paint my toenails and embroider! Oh, the humanity!
That's my big exciting life. Wooo! Tomorrow - I think I'll go to the grocery and get non-perishables and pineapples. When I get to pennsic, I can go to the store there and get perishables. It will save room in the car.
The laundry is done, the packing is done (except for putting it into the car), the rum is bought and I'm more than ready to go! It will be so nice to get away from work. And the weather forcast is looking very very nice. Not ungodly hot or stormy. That will be great! And the class schedule is posted (I think I mentioned that before in another post).
Tonight I will get some good sleep knowing everything is done and it's almost time for me to go back where I belong.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:38 PM
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