And it sucks, you know? At Pennsic all I had to do was wake up, get water, check the coolers for ice and drum to my heart's content. Ah, alas. I've said as much before. I just miss it, that's all. The simplicity of it.
That first week back from war was hell, let me tell you. Getting re-acculturated to this - this - PLACE. Ugh. I would wake up at night and think I was still safe in the yurt. And then I would realize I was home. Which meant I had to go to WORK!! UGH! Not that I mind working. I just mind the assholiness. BIG difference.
(Hey - even if I were filthy rich I'd probably "work". Doing volunteer stuff or teaching.)
So today I'm minding my own beeswax (as I tend to do) and I run into one of my co-workers in the cafeteria. We start talking and she tells me she's taken another job. I'm stunned.
We proceed to discuss "the situation" for another hour and a half. Basically, she has the same gripes as me and has told her management (who is also MY management in a roundabout way). They gave her the same shit they gave me "everyone is busy". No help, no offers of help, no nothing.
But as soon as she told them she got another job, guess what? They were all about trying to get her to say "what can we do to make this better?" Fuck that, fools! You done been told about a zillion times - you don't want to hear it, remember?
I wish I could say "I can't believe it" but I can. They did the same thing to the Master Batcher when he abandoned ship. They act like you're the scum of the earth until you say "I'm outta here!" then suddenly they want to play nice. Uh, no. And God forbid they would actually be PROACTIVE and LISTEN when you told them in the first place there was a problem. Stupid fuckers. *rolls eyes*
She's lucky she's getting out. And I think it will probably be good for her, too. She seems a LOT happier and I know they will treat her better.
We got off on the subject of why people around here in my group can't seem to get their damned work done. It seems that I was the only person who was given an assignment to look over 10 formulas and completed it within 3 weeks ON TOP of my other work. NO ONE else has managed to do this (and it wasn't that hard, either).
Some of these things have been floating around since JUNE 1 and they still aren't done. I made the casual remark that certain individuals spend too much time blabbering and not working.
She was like "so you're not part of that clique, either?" Aw, hell no, girl! Are you kidding? So I told her the "I hate my manager/she's an idiot" story.
She also told me something quite interesting - that there are other people in other departments who have noticed "certain people" always hanging out and blabbering yet can't seem to do their job/work.
This person (who constantly runs around talking and sucking up to the boss) has been here for three years and still can't figure out (or remember how) to order certain things or even DO the core aspect of this job. And if you tell her she needs to pay attention so she understands what's going on, she gets all pissy.
And, of course, the boss doesn't care that she can't do the job. Hell no! She's a suck up! So the boss dumps HER work (that she can't do because she's too busy yapping) on someone else (used to be me until I had a shit fit).
I kinda wonder how all this is going to shake out. I have my ideas and I know what I'd LIKE to happen but it won't be pretty. THAT much I do know.
They have no plans to replace the girl that is leaving - and she does a HUGE amount of work. They haven't a clue.
They just think "we" can "pick it up" or "it's not a big deal". Yeah, well, I got news - it will BECOME a VERY big deal next summer when suddenly we can't ship anything because the yapper didn't do her job. It is HER name that is on those formulas to approve.
You wanna tell me that losing millions of dollars in business isn't going to raise a few eyebrows and questions. Yeah.
I'm so looking for another job. I'm a bit "inspired" now. But I doubt if they would ask me to stay! LOL! They don't think I do anything anyway. Because I'm not always standing in the hallway yapping. I'm usually at my desk WORKING. (Unless, of course, I'm fucking off and ranting on HERE about work! LOL!)
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 2:37 PM
my name is muffin. and i miss nephy
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