for war. I mean the Pennsic war. Altho it would seem the rest of the world is at war as well. Too bad they can't play nice like WE do - nobody really dies and at the end of the day everyone has a beer together and tells tales.
This weekend I went home to set up the yurt and make sure I have everything ready to go for Pennsic. Had to do a dry run of the 2-person set up to make sure it would work, drill the holes, measure the poles, etc.
Saturday we set it up like normal with my brother helping. Then mom and I went to see "Pirates of the Caribbean 2". It was a lot of fun. I thought the movie was good and I enjoyed it. (Of course, that scene where the Big O is all wet, get his shirt ripped off and whipped as he's tied to the side of the ship was nearly enough to make me screech and blither like the stupid fangurl I am at heart! Oh, man! Just thinking about it is making me pant and squirm! Must stop thinking of it! Must STOP!)
Ahhh, anyway - *ahem* - the yurt. Yes, back to the yurt. The yurt is a safe thing to think about.
Sunday I got up early and went to Lowes to get the stuff I needed. When I got back dad and I were out in the driveway drilling test holes (to see what size we needed) when Aunt Jo stopped over. She said, "what are you two doing?" It was kind of funny. But it was nice to see her. She came inside to see mom for a bit then left. She said she was driving by and saw us out there so she thought she'd stop and talk. Which was nice.
After we got everything ready - had the right size hole, the drill bits set and the poles cut, dad had to go run some sugar over to Uncle Barry's so I took the yurt down.
It wasn't as hard as I thought and one person CAN do it. However, I ended up getting whacked pretty damned hard in the sternum with one of the rafters. I was standing on a stool pulling the rafters out of the ring when one of them slipped. It fell and hit me right in the center of my chest then scraped across my right boob, breaking my necklace and leaving a big old scratch.
It hurt! My poor chest is bruised pretty badly and it hurts to lay on my right side or have anything touching my chest. Ow! But I don't think it's broken. It doesn't FEEL broken (like when I cracked my ribs playing football). It's just very tender, swollen and bruised.
Needless to say, I was quite wiped out by the time Sunday afternoon rolled around. Dad and I got the yurt up using the support poles. He held the ring using the poles and I put the rafters in. So it can be done (and pretty quickly, too).
Now all we have to do is make sure everything can FIT into the car. I don't think that will be too much of a problem altho something might have to ride on the roof. (I'm thinking the canvas bag with the ropes, screws, tarps, etc. in it. It will be easy to tie down and it's waterproof).
Sunday as I was laying on the floor tormenting The Creature, someone knocked on the door. Turns out it was a dude from the local festival wanting to know if they could borrow my yurt! LOL! The Creature, of course, snarled, barked and frothed at the mouth like he was some vicious killer but as soon as he smelled the guy, he was like "ok" and walked away. That cracked me up!
I gave the guy the number of the place where I got my yurt and told him if they couldn't borrow one there, they could borrow mine. Altho I think they will want to cover the hieroglyphs on it. Middle Egyptian isn't exactly Mongolian but hey - it's MY yurt and I want to have hieroglyphs on it. So there! (This is also the yurt that displays all manner of pirate flag. We are nothing if not diverse!)
After I got home on Sunday, I took a nice long nappy-poo. I was very tired and very sore. All that drilling and lifting and hauling is tiring! Especially in the 90F heat! And I didn't even get a sunburn!
Abrupt change of thought - last weekend I had a nice long conversation with a dude who has an Archaeology degree. A drunken conversation but one that got me thinking nonetheless.
So last week I spent some time looking on line for masters degrees in archaeology or anthropology. After much searching, I finally found a place that offers at least something in my area of interest. So I've requested a catalog and all that. All I can do is look, right? The only thing that concerns me is writing a damned thesis. I mean, like WTF??? I have no burning issue or problem I want to solve. I just want to soak up all kinds of information.
Of course, I guess I could AUDIT all of the classes - pay half the cost and not have to write the paper but that sort of defeats the purpose, doesn't it? If I'm going to do all of the work I might as well get the degree. Because you can't get the degree without the thesis. Urg.
Somehow, some way there is a way to "marry" my love of archaeology with my love of medieval garb. I just have to find it. Hey - any suggestions out there in the blogosphere? Maybe I should run it by Drea. I'm sure she could come up with a suggestion or two.
But I'm going to wait until the semester starts after Pennsic. That way I know the cost and how much time I'm going to need to spend on this. I mean, I have skating, work, etc. to think about, right? But that's the good thing about distance learning - you can do it at night or on the weekends. Yay for that!
I'll have to get a new computer, tho. Mine seems to have bitten the dust. It locks up at every chance and it is starting to drive me to drink! (Like I need an excuse!)
It could be acting up because of the Mercury retrograde. It tends to do that. If so I have another week of this BS to put up with before it behaves. Sometimes I just want to hurl it out the window and be done with it, you know?
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:20 AM
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