Yesterday the price of gas broke $3/gallon. Very odd. Feels like being in Europe again.
Tonight I'm having a massage. My back is feeling soooooo much better today. I think swimming yesterday and being in the hot tub for a bit really helped it. Or maybe some hoo-doo. Who knows? I'm just glad it's stopped hurting like a mo' fo'.
I need to get the oil changed in the car and pack the rest of my stuff up for tomorrow. Packing shouldn't be a big deal since I've left most of the stuff in the car. I just need to pack the food, dishes and clothes - stuff that couldn't stay in the car. Not a big deal.
Last night I didn't do much but go over some planetary charts and round up some pix I took in the Louvre. Sort of an odd combination, huh? Yeah, well.
I went swimming for a while then came home and did that stuff. It was nice swimming. I might do it again tonight if I have the time. Have a few errands to run after my message so I don't know if I will get to it.
Tomorrow I'm off camping again. It's pirate weekend - YAR! So I get to drink rum and misbehave. Like that's something out of the ordinary. heh!
I still need to paint my toenails. I just HATE not having painted toenails - I feel completely naked when they aren't painted (which is very very rare). They're painted now, but the paint is chipping so I need to re-do them.
Work is a pain as usual. Lots of crises going on - the world ending - you know, the usual. I've been passing out dumb looks left and right. The hell with them. I'm tired of people acting like this is the emergency room at Bellvue when NOTHING we do is even REMOTELY life threatening.
Idiots just go nuts acting like it is. Well, they need to get a life. And a clue.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 4:02 PM
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