~What in the Hell?~

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

~ A Longie ~

Lots of things have been going on lately. So this is going to be a pretty long and probably disjointed collection of random thoughts. But isn't it always?

No particular order, just in the order they occur to me (which may or may not be chronologically correct but hey - it's MY spacetime continuum so it's all good).

Chapter One - Steve and I are "officially" caput. Meaning no more peter for me. Seems he's found some chick that wants a LTR instead of just a plaything. Who would have thought a DUDE would want to settle down? WTF?

I can't really be angry at him. We've discussed this at length. He wants a LTR and I just wants a plaything. And we both agreed that if one or the other found someone who better met our needs then all bets were off.

Well, he's found someone and done gotten into her pants so I'm on the outs. *sad face* Yeah, it hurts but he was honest and told me straight up (which I appreciate) so I really have no cause to gripe or complain. Don't make it feel any better, tho.

Just going to be weird having him around and not able to grope him at will. *sigh*

Someone hide the Big O - I'm back on the market and more determined than ever to get my grubby paws on Mr. Lickalicious!

Chapter Two - Mike is no longer speaking to me for reasons I don't quite know or comprehend.

We've known each other for quite a while - about 7 years or so and I thought we were pretty good friends. Well, it would seem that the guy he's been hanging around with lately is a mysognist of the nth degree and has been feeding into Mike's own paranoia.

Unbeknownst to me Mike has some SERIOUS ego issues. Meaning, he thinks he's the Big O when he's actually more like Marty Feldman. He's started to take his ego bit too far and actually tried to get some girl fired from his bank because she wouldn't date him. Now, mind you, this chick didn't know him from Adam. Mike just walks in and she's friendly to him (because that's the way the chicks at the bank ARE) and HE thinks she's coming ON to him!! WTF?

Yeah. So, honestly, I had no idea he was so fucked up. Why's he mad at me? Because I won't date him. And he's been trying to get into my pants from the day we met.

This guy he's now hanging out with has convinced Mike that they are too good for any female and they don't even need to be civil to a chick THEY feel has "done them wrong". So he up and just stopped talking to me one day. No "fuck you" no nothing. Just like he dropped off the face of the earth. Rude as fuck if you ask me.

That rather hurt my feelings. Dude, YOU have issues. Taking your massive ego out on ME is NOT very mature. I haven't DONE anything. Just pisses me off. Had I known he was going to be such a weiner, I'm sure I could have made his anger at me worthwhile. Fuck.

Chapter Three - My back hurts like a MOTHER! Missed practice today because it hurts so bad. Didn't go home yesterday because it hurt. It's gonna rain - bad - and I wish it would just get to it and stop with this torture! Shit fire! My pro said I should ice it. I'll try that tonight. Tylenol doesn't seem to help. NEED DRUGS!

Chapter Four - Mom said the baby was bleeding in the bathroom about two weeks ago. She didn't know from where but it looked to me like he had bitten his tongue. He SEEMS fine but that's just weird. I want her to take him to the vet. I would just die if anything happened to that snot-blower!

Chapter Five - My weekend was spent in front of the TV watching my Xfiles DVD. An X files marathon that has made me increasingly paranoid. I really should stop watching that stuff.

I got seasons 3, 4 and 5. They were having a sale - buy two, get one free so I couldn't resist. And these are the GOOD ones. Some of them just crack me up - the references they make. Quite amusing.

Scully to Mulder "can you please explain the scientific basis for 'the whammy'?" LMAO! Classic!

Chapter Six Days until Pennsic - about 30. I still haven't managed to devise my little thingy to pitch my yurt. Oh, I have a plan formulated but I will have to go home and pitch the yurt, take measurements, curse and cut. Then take the yurt down and put it back up using the thingy I will fabricate.

'Cause I have neither the inclination nor the patience to figure out the height of the ring from the ground based on the angle of the roof and the height of the walls. Fuck that. That's what engineers are for.

Besides, I've got to pitch it anyway to make sure it will acutally WORK. Theoretically it will because it's the traditional way of pitching them. But I don't want to find out at Pennsic that it don't work. That would suck.

Of course NONE of these plans will bear fruit if my fucking back doesn't stop hurting! Arrrggghhh!

Of Note - Mercury is going into retrograde today and will stay in retrograde until July 29th. Communication gets messed up. Electronics don't want to work. And don't buy anything electronic if you can help it - they never work right. (Or be sure to get the extra warranties offered).

Camping this weekend! Yar! It's a Pirate theme! Yay! Plenty of rum for all! With enough rum and the moonlight I should be able to numb my back considerably. At least I hope so.

My books are due at the library and I need something good to read. I was going thru my books the other day and I'm quite astounded at the collection I've managed to amass over the years. Of course 90% of it is non-fiction.

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 4:08 PM


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