Man, am I sore and tired. Ugh! I had practice on Wednesday and I wanted to goof off, right? Why not. I haven't just goofed off in a while.
So we're doing all this old (I mean OLD Ice Capades) stuff - jumps and spins. I'm trying to do a flying sit spin and my pro says, "jump then snap into position". OK, now "jump" to me means "hurl your body into space with great force" so this is what I did.
Unfortunately, she really meant "hop".
I hurl my body into space and end up doing the most massive belly flop in the world right on the ice. Shit, that hurt like hell! I think the inside of my right foot was the first thing to hit because it got numb. Then my boobs, then ribs and right elbow. It knocked the wind out of me and I just layed there like "uuuuuhhhh????"
I got up real slow and skated over to my coach who had this look of horror on her face - hell the whole damned RINK had "that look" of "OMFG!" Everyone has done it and everyone knows what it feels like.
My pro - "oh my God! Are you ok?"
I just nod yes.
"Did it knock the air out of you?"
I nod. I wanted to say "it hurts like fuck!!" But I didn't have the breath.
When I finally caught my breath she told me to skate it off. I'm like "you realize I'm going to have to try that again. Just so I'm not afraid to do it later."
It was then we realized the different interpretations of "jump" vs "hop". As soon as she said, "it's just a hop, not a jump." I was like "oh, ok. DUH!" And I could do it. Or at least get the technique down.
Needless to say, after that tangle with the yurt, my ribs were still sore and now they are uber tender after that fall. My right elbow is completely black and very sore. I've been icing it but it still hurts. I don't think I broke/fractured anything altho I was a bit worried about my foot.
It went completely numb then stung like hell. Probably just having it in the boot saved it from really getting hurt. It doesn't even have a bruise on it now, tho and it feels fine.
Work is just a hag - people were bitching at me because they wanted me to bring "their" favorite junk food to a meeting and I wanted to bring yummy stuff like brie and fruit. So I had to buy a bunch of shit that I don't eat so they wouldn't bitch. Fuck them. Next time it's brie and fruit and caviar. If you savages don't like it you can fucking STARVE!!
And, of course, the fate of western civilization is at stake because these stupid formulas haven't been approved. Like how many times do I have to tell you people? I can't *make* someone do their damned job.
Here's a novel idea - I'll give YOU a list of all the miscreants and YOU go pester them. Why not? You sure bug the shit outta me constantly.
And let's not even talk about the fucking server going down 2x a day (I shit you not - it's an average of two times a DAY the fucker goes down). So how in the hell am I supposed to get any work done OR have anyone approve your shit when the fucking server won't even come up long enough for it?
I'm just irritated to death with the party line around here. Yeah, you idiots just keep telling yourself that this is the best company - we operate and have systems/hardware that is absolutely the WORST. There are mom & pop operations that have better servers. And we can fucking AFFORD to have the latest and greatest but we're forced to limp along like a Byzantine throwback.
But you know what? It don't fucking matter. In little over a week I will be FREE! FREE! Vacation! Pennsic! Yay! No phones, no electricity, no internet. Nobody bothering me AT ALL. And they won't even miss me - they'll find someone else to browbeat. Which is fine with me.
I'm wondering how Mike is going to handle not speaking to me and yet wanting to hang out at our camp all week. Because that's what he does. He doesn't have anyone else to hang around with so he's always hanging with me and D. But since he's no longer speaking to me (HIS choice, I might add - he just up and decided he was no longer going to speak to me and I still don't know why. Fuck him.) it's going to be rather awkward. But it's not my problem, now, is it? Nope!
The hell with everyone! It's Friday and my ribs hurt. Bitches better stand back! I'm tired of the BS. Again.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:08 PM
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