~What in the Hell?~

Thursday, July 20, 2006

~ Dammit! I'm old! ~

I must admit this now and it sucketh mightily. I will, however, continue to fight against decrepitness.

Ready for some serious TMI? If not, I would advise you to stop reading now 'cause it's gonna get ugly. Real ugly.

For the last one-two years when Aunt Flo visits I started passing large blood clots. This was very odd and it concerned me. So I went to my GP and she did a pelvic exam. Everything came back normal. My latest was in November and everything was normal, right?

Well, about this spring I had started getting tired and was just run down. I thought maybe I was anemic. So I went BACK to the doctor last month and told her I thought I was anemic and it was due to my heavy periods and clotting. She said that clotting was normal and ran some blood work.

Yeah, I am slightly anemic so she recommended a multi-vitamin which I have been taking. And that seems to have helped.

So July rolls around and it's time for Aunt Flo to visit. Damn! I dunno how I can bleed so much and live! I mean, honestly!

On Saturday I went home to set up the yurt. I bled and clotted so much I thought I had a miscarriage. THAT is how big those blood clots were. It scared me. Bad.

Sunday was ok - normal. Monday was normal as well. Tuesday it was all over - everything perfectly normal, business as usual. Wednesday I was at work and getting ready to go to practice at lunch. Suddenly, I could just feel "it".

I ran down to the bathroom and I had started bleeding A LOT. Now THAT scared me. I had to go home and change my clothes (needless to say I missed practice). I called mom and she clutched her pearls all over the place telling me to go to the doctor. Well I HAVE gone to the doctor and she tells me I'm fine and clotting is normal.

Then Paula calls me out of the blue asking about something. So I talk to her about it (since I know she's had some female problems in the past). She told me it's probably fibroids and I need to get it taken care of immediately. Seems she had the exact same thing - only it started happening to her in her 20's.

Just talking to her made me feel a lot better - like someone believes me that there's something wrong and gives me a name for it. I got the number of her GYN so I called today. Figures this is their day off. So I'll call tomorrow.

She told me to get a pelvic ultrasound and they should be able to tell me if that is, indeed the problem and what can be done about it.

I'm not having pain, really. But all of this blood is freaking me the hell out! It's not right to bleed like that for so long. It's weird and frightening and it needs to STOP!

Apparently having these sort of cysts is not uncommon in women my "age". Fah! Like I'm 90 or something.

Hopefully the GYN will be in tomorrow so I can go see him and find out what's going on. But if he thinks I'm going to miss Pennsic he's sadly mistaken. Blood or no blood I'm going, dammit! And they can't stop me!

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:07 PM


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