After some serious reflection and a nice long ass talk with Linda, I think I'm beginning to understand the root of the problem.
See, there are some companies that, when you hear their name you automatically have expectations of them. Like IBM or Enron or Microsoft or even McDonalds. There's some
connotation to a company name. Right, wrong or indifferent it's there and many companies spend literally MILLIONS of dollars to influence how you view their company.
When I started working in the salt mines of Tarsus I had a stupid idea that the company would be fairly efficient. I mean, that IS the reputation the salt mines have. And I was dumb enough to believe it. HA!
Therein lies my frustration. You would THINK and EXPECT that the salt mines would have the latest software, have an attentive IT department, have people who really wanted to work - generally be the best at what they do. But, alas, I find it is exactly the opposite.
It's more or less like the government. Once you're in, you're IN and there's no getting rid of you. (Unless you do something extremely stupid like get caught stealing or fighting.) Other than that, you can fuck off and do as little as possible to "get by" and they don't care. They don't. They just find someone dumb enough to believe their hype and bust THEIR chops to work.
I'm tired of fighting their stupid systems trying to get shit done. I'm tired of begging idiots to do their fucking JOB. Someone else can do it. I'll do my part and if fucktard over there can't do his - oh, well. That is NOT my problem.
Obviously my expectations for this company were much, much higher than they could ever aspire to and I am very disappointed. Despite their best efforts to keep us from getting work done we have managed it. But from now on, forget it.
I'm tired of wasting my energy fighting to get my job done. If it gets done, it gets done and if it don't, well then someone is going to have to fix the fucking SYSTEM. I'm tired of circumventing the system because it's a cluster fuck and the only way to GET anything DONE is to go around it. I'll just plunge right into it like everyone else and get stuck in the quagmire of "I don't give a fuck".
That's what they are aiming for so that's what they'll get. If you all knew the company (and trust me, you WOULD) you would be amazed at the stupidity. Simply amazed. You would THINK that we would have the lastest and greatest of everything but I'm here to tell you we don't.
We are still limping along doing data processing by HAND. By FUCKING HAND!!! Why? Because up until this point it was considered "cheaper" to have us calculate data BY HAND than it was to hire someome to write a macros program to do it. Or even ORDER a fucking stock program from Microsoft to do it. It's dumbfounding the sheer amount of stupid shit like this that goes on every damned day.
It's such a waste of time and money and yet, that money never shows up on "the bottom line" so it's not considered. Hmmm. Well, if an engineer spends 16 hours manually calculating spreadsheet data that SHOULD be in a macros - how much do you think THAT cost? Yeah. So the engineer does this 2x per month. This comes out to almost one WEEK a MONTH this engineer is getting paid to do what a macros could do in about 10 minutes.
This is saving money how? This is increasing profit margins how? Yeah. The sad thing is, shit like this is rampant. And there is NO FUCKING EXCUSE for it. NONE. It's like no one gives a shit that our productivity is half of what it COULD be if we actually had shit that worked.
What a novel idea! Something actually WORKS! (besides me).
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:21 PM
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