It's been a long 11 days, lemme tell you!
First, the birthday party was a blast. It was a bit cold so there weren't as many people outside in the tent as I had hoped. Hey, I paid bad money for that thing - I wanted people to enjoy it!
But a lot of people came - mostly my relatives - which was nice. I haven't seen some of them in AGES. Quite a few of my friends came as well. We ate, drank and made merry until 2:30am. And nobody called the cops (to dad's disappointment, I must say).
The Creature didn't escape. As a matter of fact, he was so overwhelmed with everyone, he hid under the coffee table for the most part, only uttering a pathetic "arf" every now and then. Which was quite amusing.
We played games, drank, ate and told stories like there was no tomorrow. Unfortunately, many of the stories were about ME. (Lies! Foul LIES!) And the wide-open ears of my team leader were eagerly taking this all in. I had to laugh, tho. It was just too much.
Here are some not-so-incriminating photos. The first one is of my girl, Linda. Poor thing has been having some rough times and needed to cut loose. Which she did in hilarious fashion. Notice the name tag. I sort of stuck that on her. I couldn't resist.

This one is me and Becky dancing to a CD entitled "to sing while intoxicated".

To keep us amused, I bought some of those "blowers" (I have no idea what the proper name for these things are). All I know is the dog hates them and they were a source of GREAT amusement to us the more intoxicated we became. A sad lot we are, yes? LOL!

From the day before, my brother helping set up the yurt. That's my dad standing there looking lost. My brother and I managed to get the frame up pretty quickly. The hardest part is getting the damned thing in a true CIRCLE. Ugh.

Here is The Creature on Sunday morning. Completely exhausted from the home invasion.

Now, if that weren't enough excitement - Sunday we cleaned up and took down the yurt.
Then Tuesday mom went into the hospital to have her gallbladder taken out.
I was going home to check on Dad and The Creature. Thursday I went home, cooked them dinner and colored the Easter eggs.
Saturday Steve and I went to the local amusement park. Heh. Only us "locals" know it's open so I got to ride everything I wanted without an hour wait.
Now I'm completely worn out. Mom came home on Saturday. Easter was Sunday and DAD COOKED! WTF??? Yeah. I went up there planning to cook but dad had already started everything so I just tormented the dog.
Whew! Today at lunch I went to practice (since I haven't been in a while - what with all this OTHER stuff going on). On the way back to work I ran a red light. Right in front of a cop.
So he pulls me over and dammit it all to hell I can't find my license! I have EVERYTHING but my license.
Cop - "is this car registered to you?"
Me- "yeah. Do you need my insurance or credit card or anything?"
Cop - "no, I'll run the tags thru the system. Wait a minute."
Me - waiting and cursing my stupid license.
After about 2 minutes he returns.
Cop - (a bit surprised) "Are you Melissa?"
Me - (thinking "Oh, God. This is it. I'm going to jail.") "Yeah. Why?"
Cop - "Oh, I'm sorry - wow. You just don't look (he says my age). I thought you were (12 years younger)"
Me - (stunned I'm not going to jail) "huh?"
Cop - as he's walking back to his car "you be careful next time, you hear?"
Me - (still stunned) "huh?"
Then he's gone. I sat there for a minute, seriously, going WTF?? Then I had to laugh. That had to be one of the strangest things to happen to me lately.
I dunno if he gave me a warning because it was so close to my birthday, he was seriously disturbed that I don't "look" my age or what. But I'll take it!
Sometimes I wonder what people think "my age" SHOULD look like? The crypt keeper?
Ah. Speaking of looking like the crypt keeper, I need to seriously catch up on my rest. All this excitement - it's just too much! LOL!
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 7:21 PM
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