I was digging thru some old files today trying to tame the paper tiger when I came across our old "poetry" collection.
A while back, Lilibean brought in some of that "magnetic poetry" and we went absolutely berserk with it. Classic stuff. Of course, it was instantly perverted into gutter talk but hey - what do you expect? We also put names over some of the "repeat" words - just to incriminate anyone.
So, for your entertainment, I've gathered some of the more humorous and/or neat ones. Be warned that they may contain names of the guilty as well as some provocative language and suggestions.
*Let my butt turn blue with ice cold weather.
*You imagine every winter for beautiful summer morning.
*Fall off time, give chase on a moon.
*Incubate lost asses here. (NOTE- the original word was "grass" and some joker cut off the "gr" part to make "ass".)
*I'm the goddess so make your heart shiver with life.
*Incubate your organ every day.
*I believe in tequila.
*Somewhere a drink is looking for me.
*Smile, your clothes taste cinnamon.
*I believe in healthy tequila and die happy if I'm wrong.
*I like whipped cream in my astronaut pants.
*Hold it, sugar buns! Can I get out of this world by bad directions?
*Haven't we come to you thru shade and light to become more gentle than the springtime of your dreams?
*Only one beautiful green guy of my dreams with eyes like a stormy sky would wander from sweet summer nights into my life and kiss my heart forever.
*Before I love you, you must walk by again so I can savor your musty pits odor and bring out the dog.
*I have a heruclean fecund festooning in my ass. (NOTE - this one makes me laugh so hard I nearly pee.)
*Get your organs spurned here!
*Don't make me come shopping.
*I will caress your buns and make you know love.
*Has Jay named his favorite hand?
*Lava burns in his ass.
*John said, "I'm acumen" as he profligated his limpid blue organ sizzling hot lava in grandpas fat drunk ass. (NOTE - despite my repeated attempts to the contrary, the heathens use the NOUN "acumen" as a VERB because it "sounds dirty". The savages!)
*Wow, is that a turgid rise in your astronaut pants or is it a big juicy fecund?
*I crave his delicious gentle kiss all my life.
*I think so I drink.
*sex up your big invalid man.
*I just want you to shiver against me and make my heart know the sunshine of your love.
*Her sweet kisses comfort me like the warm summer sun.
*Matt whipped the old man on a water bed as he languished like a red dog.
*Whip a tremendous butt and die happy!
*The toilet sucker of life stomped your buns like nasty goo.
*Damn your tongue surprise!
*I got a quart low on beer here.
*Jay exploded a burning whisper in his astronaut pants screaming, "my sexy ass is so stinky!"
*"Oh, I feel the lips of sizzle spanking my obtuse ass," exploded Ken as Murray jiggled his fat glistening organ.
The rest of them (and believe me, there are plenty more!) are just as bad. Nouns were turned into verbs and verbs to adjectives. But the end result was too damned funny.
Of course, Lili and Matt (being the anal engineers they are) decided that all the words should be taken down and sorted into their parts of speech. Because having all the words just stuck every where on the filing cabinets was "too messy". WTF???
I LIKE seeing all the words. I don't know what I'm going to write until I see the words. I don't think of something THEN write it. I let it "write" itself. But they think about it then go looking for the words. Nah, man. How stifling is that? You're too limited to your own "sphere". When you have the words THERE waiting to be used, there's no limit to what you can create.
Needless to say, once all the words were divided up, the creativity dried up as well. I really should pull those things out again. Just for stress relief.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:03 PM
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