WTF is up with the freaks around here lately? I mean CREEPY freaks.
It's the dudes I *don't* work with that are fucking creeping me the hell out. I'm blaming the go-go boots but really - it could be anything. Maybe just a week for freaks, hell if I know.
Monday I wear a skirt and my new go-go boots, right? The stars aligned "just right" and I was able to forgo wearing my normal uniform.
Of course, on Tuesday when I showed up in my "normal" workwear (steel toes and jeans) several people ask why I'm not dressed up again. Uhm, because I can't do my JOB in a mini-skirt and go-go boots . . .?
Then - dudes start acting WEIRD. I mean fucking WEIRD.
Dude #1 we'll call DT. He comes down to my office, I swear 5 times on Wednesday asking the same fucking thing every damned time. I say "why don't I send you an email so you have it and don't have to keep trying to find me and ask me?"
Oh, no. He doesn't want that. THEN on Thursday he comes down in the morning and starts talking about this fucking meeting that has absolutely NOTHING to do with ME or the fucking project we share. WTF??? Do I look like a psychotherapist? I don't CARE! BEAT IT! I've got work to do!
Last night about 4:30pm as I'm getting ready to leave DT comes in again and starts asking the SAME fucking questions that I answered 5 times on Wednesday. You know, the same ones he didn't want me to send him an email about? Yeah. I'm like "I have to leave. I'm meeting someone for dinner."
And he keeps fucking yapping! Then he has the stones to ask me who! Huh? What part of "beat it" are you not getting?
Then - this morning - I had no longer unlocked my door then here he fucking IS AGAIN!!! Asking the SAME fucking questions he did on Wednesday!!! My God! If he's trying to drive me insane it's working and it's not a long TRIP from here! Fuck!
Add to him another freak - JJ. Altho I'm not alone in thinking he's a freak - the dudes think JJ's a freak as well.
So Freak #2, JJ, calls me up and starts asking all these questions about this other project. Fine. I can deal with that. I answer his questions and tell him "well, I don't have that right now but I can get it by Friday." This was Wednesday (the freaks must come out on Wednesdays I guess).
I think "ok, I have until Wednesday to find this for him - I'll do a cusory search and see if it's close. If not, I'll order it."
No sooner did I return from my expedition then THERE HE IS in my fucking office waiting for me. Fine. He wants to be a 'tard, that's fine.
But he didn't want just be a 'tard. He wanted to be a creepy 'tard. He was fucking staring - I swear to God - at my tits! WTF??? I had on a shirt - not tight nor low cut (you couldn't even see my collar bone in it) and here he sits just a gawking away!
I just give him mom's "look of disgust" and say, "just, what, exactly, do you want? I told you I would have your stuff Friday. Do you want it now?"
Fucker has the nerve to say something to the effect of he wanted to see me in person after looking my picture up on the company website. WTF???
What can one say to that? I'm like "huh? Whatever." Then he asks me if he can watch me do my damned job of making product. OK, fine. I can't stop you. WTF??? I got news, bub, I don't MAKE PRODUCT in the NUDE - get it?
Am I a magnet for freaks this week or what? Maybe I'm fucking ovulating? Hell, I dunno. It's just too much, tho.
Later that day I run into Sonny and he says, "Hey, I saw JJ in your office. That guy is werid."
I said, "no shit, Sherlock! Thanks for letting me know. Dude was creeping me out all day!"
Sonny - "yeah, I saw him in there and wondered what the hell he was doing. I thought about pulling you out of there for some fake meeting but I decided not to."
I punched him in the arm. "Do it next time. Fucker was giving me the creeps!"
Thank God it's Friday and I'm hiding. I can't deal with anymore of this freak shit. I so badly want to say "what the fuck is wrong with you? I've answered your questions. Now GO THE FUCK AWAY so I can get my work done. And stop staring at me before I plant my steel toed boot in your ass!"
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:59 AM
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