~What in the Hell?~

Thursday, January 19, 2006

~ Ouch! ~

Practice last night. Ow! Hip flexors tired today. Again.

And, like a bad girl, I forgot to comment on Nationals. Yes, I think Michelle Kwan should be able to "bump" onto the Olympic team. She's paid her dues. If she can skate let her. The young ones have plenty of time ahead of them to mature as skaters (besides, it's much better for them physically).

I am hopeful that Jeff will have another one of his "parties" for the Olympics so we drunken skaters can sit around and trash talk everyone else. LOL! Hey, we live for that shit! At least us old codgery ones do! *cackle*

Today I'm listening to music trying to find some good belly dance stuff to skate to. Now I have on George Abdo and his Flames of Araby. You gotta love it!

Yesterday that rink was freezing. I could feel my hip flexors just like tightening up as soon as I stepped out onto the ice. It took about 20 minutes to get them warmed up. Ugh. They just feel "tired" today - not hurting so much. But I'm sure that will all change tomorrow. Usually two days after I skate is when I'm hating life from the waist down.

We went over all my elements at practice that I will be testing and competing. And the stuff I LIKE to do but isn't required. The end of my lesson was my pro asking, "can you do this?" and me saying, "lemme try" then busting my ass as I attempted to show off. lol!

Surprisingly I haven't totally lost all of my "tricks". Took me a while to get my split jump back, tho. That's not a required move so I haven't really worked on it consistently. Been too busy lately working on "required" elements for my tests to really just goof off.

Hey - there's a lot to be said for goofing off. I learned a LOT of stuff that way - watching other people (mostly kids) and trying what I saw. And it's fun, too. Until you bust your ass a couple of good times. Then not so much!

But it's the "goof off" stuff and the "inbetween" stuff that can really make a program. If someone has strong elements but nothing else they usually don't score so high (Surya Bonalie anyone?).

I can say that because I'm technically a strong skater but I sure don't look "pretty" doing it. None of that "fru-fru" stuff for me. Sometimes - ok most of the time - I struggle with trying to "look good" on the ice doing the "inbetween" stuff. What can I say? I'd make a helluva show skater. lol!

That's pretty much why I love compulsories. They are REQUIRED elements - no music, no fru-fru stuff. Just you out there on half the ice going head to head with another skater on technical ability alone. None of that nonsense. Just trash talking smack down skating! lol!

Today I see the chiropractor. Probably a good thing. Oh, and my yurt is almost paid off. I should have it paid off and home before my birthday. Oooooo - methinks me might have to have a birthday party in my yurt! Woooooo!

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:48 AM


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