~What in the Hell?~

Sunday, January 01, 2006

~ Happy New Year! ~

I can't believe it's 2006. WTF? I never thought I'd be this old. Shit! It's kinda scary actually.

Hopefully everyone is sitting on the sofa nursing their hangovers and watching some football. Me? Ah, I was an old party pooper last night. I stayed home and watched a Law & Order marathon. I'm sad, I know. lol!

But hey, don't cry for me. I'll get my partying in over the summer. As soon as camping season starts, the Unholy Grail will "magically" appear with it's bottomless supply of rum and all will be right with the world.

And I was a bit tired. Steve and I sort of celebrated a day early since he was the one being a "social butterfly" last night. THAT is a switch. o_O

Today I slept in then went to the gym like a good girl. Then to the store. I had to buy humidifier filters and furnace filters and Diet Coke.

Also picked up "Bullitt" with Steve McQueen. I was just thinking about going to the video store for it and, lo, there it was in the "bargain bin". So I'll probably watch that tonight.

I had planned on actually cleaning this place up a bit but now I'm worn out. Oh, well. I'll probably read a bit, watch some of this football game and take a nap. Oh, the torture! lol!

I need to go home, too, and beat that dog. Mom's movie finally came in so I can drop it off.

Last night I had an odd dream. I dreamed I was playing a lot of drums. But I don't know HOW to play a lot of drums so I just played ONE drum. And that was cool. Everyone was happy with the one drum. (I was making nothing but noise with lots of drums)

What is even odder is that I dream in music sometimes. But I can't write it down because I don't equate notes with sounds. It's hard to explain. If I HEAR something I can pick up the rhythm but how the hell does one write that down?

I'm still a bit hungry. That fruit just isn't cutting it. I need some BREAD. Yeah, baby! My favorite thing in the world! BREAD! Yum!

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 4:48 PM


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