Last night I had practice. First day back on the ice in a week (since Vegas). We do spins. I love to spin. It's a lot of fun but it's also a lot of work - makes me more tired than jumping actually.
Anyway - we were supposed to practice for my test and we ended up going from spins to double salchows. I have to laugh at this. I did a couple of singles then we went right into the doubles. I think she forgets that I'm older than she is sometimes. Not that I mind - I just think it's funny. And I'm rather pleased with myself that I am physically capable and good enough as a skater to go right from warmup to doubles. Forgive my bit of braggin' there.
It's not like I actually land vertically, mind you. But I AM getting up and getting the rotation. My timing is off and I'm not leading with my FEET. Once I get the hang of it I should be ok.
And it makes my butt really sore. Not only from landing on it but from scrunching it up. It's a lot of effort to jump like that. Especially coming off a week hiatus - I'm pretty darn sore on the backside. And I managed to kick myself in the shin again. Didn't cut myself this time, tho. Just got a bit of a bruise.
I wanted to go skating again tonight but mom called and wants me to deliver her cell phone. She stuck the damned thing under the front seat of my car and forgot it. Now she realizes it's gone and wants me to deliver it to her. Like she uses it! They have a land line. And they aren't going anywhere. WTF?
So I had planned on going home tonight to drop off the phone and give my baby love and didn't bring my skates. But, alas, the dreaded snow has arrived. Yes, people. It's fucking snowing. UGH. It bites the big hairy one. That means I'm not going anywhere. Hey, it's not ME that can't drive or is afraid to drive in the snow. It's all the IDIOTS out there who suddenly think they can only go 20mph on the interstate. If you're that afraid of it, stay the fuck home!
But no, they have to run to the mall! God forbid they wait another day to get to the mall when they can clog up traffic NOW! Morons. I do my Xmas shopping thru catalogs. Let someone ELSE fight the traffic and snow.
Speaking of shopping. My Xmas wish list is simple (as it is EVERY year!)lol!
1)chinchilla coat. I've already tried it on and it is beautiful. Of course, I will settle for red fox if necessary. LOL!
Shelby. Preferably an "original" and not a "kit".
The Big O (of course! Altho I'd prefer him above the coat and the Shelby, truth be told!

4) With a side order of

And, finally I'd like a double Axel. To hell with that stupid single. Gimme a double.
I mean really - if you're gonna ask for something - ASK for what you really want! LOL! All anyone can say is "you're on dope. You ain't getting that!" LOL!
It never hurts to ask!

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:50 PM
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