Happy Hanukkah, Happy Solstice, Happy Kawanzaa or whatever it is you celebrate this time of year.
Yesterday I went home. Mom called me and said that she and dad had eaten every bit of that candy that I took them last week. WTF? ALL of it - GONE. Not so much as a gingerbread man left. And they kept bitching about how they didn't LIKE gingerbread. *snort*
So I had to take more for them since we had guests. Amazing.
I stayed all night there but I didn't get any sleep. Thanks to The Creature. For whatever reason he decided he wanted to sleep with ME instead of mom and dad.
He snored. Loud. He snotted and snorted and jumped on and off of the bed all freakin' night! AHHHHHH! I wanted to beat him. But I couldn't. He does that all the time. I'm just not used to it.
So after dinner I ended up falling asleep on the couch. He, of course, couldn't stand it and had to snort and snot and jump on me. I was too tired to notice and mom threw him off but not before he managed to lick my face.
But it was nice being home. I got lots of books and three new oil lamps. That will keep me entertained for quite some time. I have already managed to finish one of the books. Heeee! A good book is like food. You just eat it up!
Now I'm doing laundry and the dishes. Then I will read some more and go to bed.
I've finally finished Mr. Wicked's saga. I thought I would never get done! And since he's been gone it was sort of hard and a little sad finishing it.
I had written 3 separate endings but none of them seemed to work right. So I combined them into one. I was happy with it. It ended the way he wanted but it was a quiet ending.
I still can't get over I was writing on that thing for an entire year! That is crazy! But I was "possessed" in a way so it really wasn't ME. Just my fingers on the keys. Glad I know how to type pretty fast.
Now maybe I can make some new garb and practice my violin more. I also need to get my butt in gear for that test session in March.
Strange how much time his story took up. If I wasn't writing it I was listening to him go on about it. Now it's quiet. It's rather weird.
I think I'm going to take this opportunity to get rid of a lot of things around here that I don't use anymore. It seems like there is more and more "junk" lying around and it's rather annoying. Either I need to get rid of it or put it away somewhere.
That will be one of my "new years" projects - get rid of stuff. Also start making another quilt so I can get rid of my fabric scraps. It's amazing how many boxes of scraps I have.
And I just can't "throw them out". No way! They are still good for something. A quilt, a rug - I hate to throw out fabric. It can always be made into something else - even if there is only a little bit of it.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 10:51 PM
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