I've got the giggles today. I must have a fever. Or I'm just a nitwit. Either one is a plausable excuse.
What I'm listening to now - since I've managed to figure out how to download all the music from my computer to my mp3 player - Wild, Wild Life by Talking Heads. Ah, yes. "Spending all of my money and time on too much wild, wild life". That would be me at Pennsic. LOL!
This place is so dead I expect a tumbleweed to blow thru here at any minute. There was another person here this morning but she left at lunch. I'm the only warm body for two hallways. And people think this isn't a vacation for ME when they are gone! HA!
I've managed to actually get some stuff done. Besides downloading all of my music I mean. I still need to go on my "procurement run". I might have to do that shortly once I finish this.
Anyone have any good new years resolutions to share? Didn't think so. I haven't quite thought of any yet aside from the "drink more good wine" as opposed to "bad wine" (like there is such a thing when you're a lush! LOL!)
Maybe take two skating tests so my test level actually reflects my ABILITY level. That'd be kinda nice.
Uhm - not to bounce any checks (I did once). Bad girl!
That's about all I can think of. The hell with that "lose weight" thing. I managed to FIND the 5 lbs I lost before. Dammit to hell!
Get this - I got an email from the photog who took those pix of me before - seems he wants me to "model" for him again. Huh? o_O I told him I cut my hair (I figured he had a "thing" for the hair) but apparently it doesn't matter. Just kinda weird he'd want me to come back so he could try out some ideas. LOL! Don't get any ideas you pervs! He's married with a young daughter and his WIFE is there with us. And the dog. Such a cute cocker spaniel!
I wanted to do it sometime later in January when I'm not bloated but he wants to do it ASAP. Then he reminded me of the magic that is photoshop. Excellent point! That can make ANYONE look good.
Methinks I might up my "fee" this time. Now I want not one but TWO - yes, count them! TWO Diet Cokes! My outrageous diva demands know no decent human bounds!
Hmmmm. Wonder if he'd pay me

? Since it would appear I've already taken a bite out of him anyway. Hey, why not?
Tonight Steve and I are going to dinner with some of his friends. I am concerned about my giggling fits. I'll try to behave and not bust up too much.
Someone needs to tell me how to get these stupid ear things to actually STAY in my ears. They keep coming out. Rrrrr!
This mp3 player is great. I was using it at the gym the other day and everytime a song would come on I'd say "oh, wow! I really like this song!" Then I realized "DUH! I programmed the damn thing so it SHOULD have stuff on there I like!" Almost like having my own radio station! Woooo hooooo!
In case you haven't quite figured this out about me yet - I'm easily amused. What can I say?
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 1:36 PM
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