~What in the Hell?~

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

~ It's Freezing ~

Today's high temp - 24F. WTF?? Like it's so cold we're going to be switching to the Kelvin scale here shortly.

What the hell is the point of having temperatures below 25F? WHAT? There is no point. The ground freezes and kills all the mosquitos, the ponds freeze over so you can skate on them. There's absolutely NO REASON whatsoever that the temperature needs to get below 25F.

The sad thing is it'll get COLDER. Like down below ZERO F. There should be some sort of law against that bullshit. Hate the cold, I do. Hate talking like yoda, too. o_O

I finally remembered what I'm supposed to do on Thursday - I have to go get an eye exam. It's been about 2 years and my glasses are shot. So are my eyes. It's hell getting up in years and long in the tooth, you know? The older I get the worse I hate the cold. Makes me all stiff.

Sadly, the rink is actually warmer than being outside. The inside temp there is about 40F. Once I get warmed up I usually end up skating in a T-shirt and a pair of sweats. So you know it can't be THAT cold.

Steve got me a heated seat cushion for the car that plugs into the lighter. God, that's awesome! My butt gets all nice and warm! Mmmmmm!

Still need to get my tire fixed. And now I need an oil change. I should do that this week if I can. Maybe Thursday if my eye exam doesn't take too long. Or maybe tonight after I give blood. I dunno. I hate to do it on Friday because everything will be jammed. And cold.

Funny stuff -- Today I get an email from Steve (yes, I'm talking about you!). He's in Minnesota. Last night he went to the Mall of America and said that they have a lot of the same stores as any other mall but they have "the biggest Dicks I've seen". Oh, man, I nearly fell out laughing. Of course, he was talking about the SPORTING GOODS STORE but still. It didn't come out that way.

Just like when I mentioned to Kim that I was "robbing Peter to pay Paul" and she came back with "well, I don't have any Peter to rob." It wasn't until I cracked up that she realized what she had said.

OK - yes, I'm easily amused, I admit it. And my mind usually swims in the gutter but hey - we can't all be terrified fundies, can we? LOL!

More amusement - one poster on a messageboard refered to out of control children as "crack addled macaques". I had to hide in the bathroom at work for 20 minutes before I could stop laughing about that. It still makes me giggle when I think of it. All these macaques at the zoo going berserk.

Ah, yes. I guess I'd better get to work. Or writing. There was a meeting today on Canadian regulations but I'm skipping it. I think I might fall asleep. Besides, I need to do some other stuff.

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 12:07 PM


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