I've got about a half hour before I have to put in an appearance at the company "holiday party". OK. Whatever. I have the chess game loaded on the Palm Pilot so I'm good to go. I won't fall asleep at a critical moment.
There are several people in my building who are just total assholes and I feel the need to call them out on it. Just because I think they're fucktards.
First - one manager who changes departments like I change underwear. The truth is no one can stand him. HIS manager actually LEFT her last job because of him being such an asshole.
This asshole seems to think that "visitor parking" means him. He parks his fucking vanity-plated convertible BMW in the visitor lot every damned day because his fucking lazy ass doesn't want to walk from the employee lot.
Hell, just driving the BMW alone says "asshole" but his behavior re-inforces it. He uses the freakin' FIRE EXITS so he doesn't have to walk that far to the visitor lot!
He does nothing but push paper and "underlings" do his work. And, let me tell you, he makes sure you know YOU are an "underling". A total asshole who believes he's better than everyone else but couldn't actually DO anything if his life depended on it. Initials - VBL.
Asshole #2 - the reason I hate many str8 men (generally). Fat (yes, qualifies as "obese"), ugly, hairy as fuck. Stupid, lazy and mysognistic. Incapable of actually working on his own. Needs constant baby-sitting. Never seems to do anything other than wander the halls and talk to his equally lazy "buddies".
Married with a kid. Bitches about his wife's weight. WTF? Take a look in the mirror, Free Willy!
Thinks he's "all that" and the company would go belly up without him. Yeah. Like we'd even notice your lard ass gone. *eye roll* Initials - BL (No, not the same person as Asshole #1 but they are easy to confuse!)
Asshole #3 - this is more of a contingent than anything. The women in the labs who think that leftover food from meetings/retirements/holiday activities means they don't have to cook for a week. They steal every friggin' thing they can get their greedy grasping hands on - literally taking entire boxes of pizzas, cakes or anything else they can find.
What the hell, people? I KNOW you are making enough $$ to feed yourself AND your family.
And since WHEN did it become OK to act like starving trailer trash? Maybe someone ELSE would like a piece of pizza or cake. Show some class and manners, you heathen hordes! There's no reason to run down the hall shoving people out of the way so you can steal an entire can of fruit cocktail.
Sometimes I think these assholes steal food just because it's there. Not because they want it or even like it. Fucking idiots. RUDE idiots.
I was trying to push a cart down the hall yesterday and the swarming vultures were fighting over the carcass of a discarded box of candy. I had to literally SHOUT at them to get them to move their fat asses out of the way so I could get the cart by.
They stood there looking at me like "if I move out of your way I won't get that piece of candy and die on the spot!"
Bitches, please. SOME of us actually have WORK to do - you know - so we can stay in business and get paid?
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:43 AM
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