Michelle stopped by this morning and was asking me about The Creature. Seems her friend just got a Pekingese pup and she was thinking of getitng one. So we started talking about Ug. Now he's going to be on my mind all day.
I'm not quite sure how old he is and I don't care. He'll always be my precious baby. It was mine and dad's idea to get him. After Cris died we wanted another Peke. Mom didn't want one. Crissy was HER baby.
So we got Ug. On Mother's Day several years ago. He rode home in the backseat of my truck with dad. His first two weeks away from his moma he lived with me. He was housebroken when he went home to my parents.
He housebroke himself. He would dig in this one empty flower pot I had and throw dirt everywhere. Not that I minded. It didn't have anything in it but dirt. And he was so small (about 3 lbs) that he fit in there perfectly. He would use that flower pot as his "litter box".
While I was at work he would listen to baseball games on am radio. I called him "bambino" since he didn't have a name yet.
Now he is much older - his lil' face and chin is all white and the white is even starting to go around his eyes. But he still runs around the house like a mad thing when I come to visit him.
He has so much hair between the pads on his feet that I have to trim it periodically. It looks so weird when I do - the hair makes his feet look a lot bigger than they are. I call him "grinch feet" when his foot hairs get too long. He has several colorful names like that.
When he's excited, he'll lick you to death and always tries to lick your nose. Ew. If you aren't paying him enough attention when you come to visit he'll bark at you. When I come in I always have to chase him then love on him BEFORE I'm "allowed" to hug my parents. Unless, of course, I want to jerk his chain. Then I ignore him. LOL! Then I get the "mom, make her pay attention to me" bark.
Like a baby, he has several different barks depending on what he wants. One when he wants your attention (I want out, I'm hungry); another for "hey, I want to play"; one for "Somebody's in the yard/at the door!"; his "I'm going to kill it" bark when he's in attack mode; one when he's pissed because you're ignoring him;one when he's scared and one for when he's playing (this is usually accompanied by copious amounts of growling and snarling).
He also does this odd thing that we call "trilling". It sounds like a purr. When he's excited or happy he does this. It's a very strange noise. It probably should be a growl but it sounds like purring.
When you give him a treat that he wants to "save for later" he will hide it somewhere in the house. But before he gets to actually hiding the thing, he will walk around for a while with the treat in his mouth whining as he searches for a place to hide it. Usually you have to tell him a few times that "I don't see it" before he decides to drop it in plain sight next to a door or a wall. That is just weird.
He snores like a lumberjack. Only 13 lbs but man, can he snore! And he dreams. When he does he whines and barks in his sleep. Every now and then he'll wake himself up and doesn't realize it was HIM making the noise. Then he'll let out this "WTF?" bark that scares the piss outta you.
He did that to me ONCE when I was in a dead sound sleep. You wanna talk about shock! I went from sound sleep to on my feet and wide awake in a split second. It wasn't until later I realized what he had done. Now that I know what he's doing I always try to wake him up when I hear him start whining. I know what's coming.
Mom has pulled the curtains back in her computer room so he can lay on the arm of the couch and stare out the window. He loves that. He's such a busy body. If he sees one of the neighbors he'll bark once then look at you. If you don't acknowledge him or what he sees, he'll do that again. One bark. Until you pay attention.
Then you have to go over to him and look out the window or you can just say "I see it" and he's ok. He'll let out one last "humph" but he won't bark again. Until he sees something else. Then the ritual starts all over again. Fortunately, he only barks at humans or other dogs.
And he always has to know where everyone is and what they are doing. If you want to drive him batty just go into a room and lock him out. He HATES that! He has this internal timer or something. You can leave and go into another room for about 7 minutes. If you don't reappear where he can see you in that time, he comes looking for you.
When everyone is upstairs, he will lay right in the middle of the doorway so he can keep an eye on all the rooms. He hides under the Christmas tree, too. He has a cardboard box in the family room that he sleeps in. Mom had a bed for him but he prefers the box - he likes to be "hidden".
Dad has bought him so many toys it's disgusting. But his favorite is one of my old houseshoes. LOL! I dunno why he loves this thing but it's his most favored toy and the one he always wants to play with.
Someone (I can't remember WHO) gave him this squeak toy that was a corncob. He LOVES squeaky toys but he HATES that corncob with a PASSION! It is the funniest thing! Just thinking about it makes me laugh.
If you get it out (we keep it well-hidden usually)and squeak it he will go berserk! He seems to be terrified of this thing for some reason. You can chase him around the house with it. He'll bark incessantly at it. And if you throw it, he'll run after it but stand there and bark at it. And I mean BARK. LOUD and long. When you get tired of listening to his barking and take the thing away, he'll KEEP barking.
If you put the corncob up on the counter, he will run to the counter and bark. If you put it on top of the refrigerator he will run to the refrigerator and bark. It cracks me the hell up but mom gets pissed. Of course, me and my bro drag this thing out periodically to torment the both of them. Hey - two tormented for the price of one - you can't beat THAT! LOL!
He's scared of thunderstorms. Unless he's at my place. Then he doesn't seem to notice.
He LOVES to go for rides in the car. If dad puts a hat on the dog will run down the hallway growling. He thinks dad is going somewhere and HE will get to go, too. Sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn't. We usually take him to the drive thrus (so he can be a busy body outside of the house). And if you open a car door near him - look out! He'll jump right in.
The mailman likes him and he likes the mail man. I find this amusing. But he usually likes everyone (the dog - I dunno about the mailman).
Except kids. He's scared of kids for some reason. Not that he bites or anything - he just hides from them. I don't quite understand why. Maybe because he's not used to being around them.
Since he doesn't have a snout he tends to blow a lot of snot everywhere. And he's got an underbite. It looks really funny when his teeth get caught on his dewlaps like he is here.

That's pretty much what he looks like most of the time. Ears up, tail up and teeth sticking out in every direction. Isn't he so adorable? I just want to scoop him up and kiss him all over his flat lil' face!
I think I might have to exercise my "visitation rights" and take him over the holidays. That way he'll be out of mom's hair for a while. Of course, I don't feed him off of the table or let him get away with dictating MY schedule like they do. His furry butt straightens right up at my place! HA!
I tell him repeatedly "I have the opposible thumb. You do not. Therefore, I, not you, run this household." LOL! Of course he doesn't like it but what can he do? Not a damned thing.
But he is very smart. I'd almost be a bit concerned if he DID somehow manage to grow an opposible thumb. He'd be quite the terror then. o_O
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:10 AM
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