~What in the Hell?~

Thursday, October 06, 2005

~ Deep Thoughts (maybe) ~

And maybe not.

An update on the messageboard saga/drama. It would seem that one of those who chose to turn a blind eye to the mass banishment has now discovered our hideout and wishes to join us. Personally, I think it's a Very Bad Idea.

Why? Well, because X claims to know NOTHING of what happened altho they were there the entire time and saw people's names get changed and their posts disappeared. Now that everyone "cool" has been exiled and X doesn't have anyone to talk to, X wants to "make nice" with us. When X wouldn't even utter a peep asking where the hell all of us went to in the first place. o_O

I dunno. I don't like it. It brings up a lot of very bad feelings. It wasn't like I chose to leave - I was thrown out without so much as a notice. Just one day I went there and "poof" my account had been blocked. Why, I still don't know. Most of us were treated that way. Now one who knew about the bannings wants to "make nice" because all the cool people went elsewhere? Uh, no.

Maybe if X had said something before NOW. But no. X was happy. Now the place is circling the drain and X wants out. X wants in OUR club after thumbing the nose at us.

Not that I have anything personal against X. It doesn't matter to me. I just don't want to feel like I have to walk around on eggshells because one person out of 100 might be "offended" that I'm joking about being exiled. Or trying to "explain" why I shouldn't be pissed about being thrown out of somewhere when I didn't DO anything to warrant it.

Also, there is a fear that once X gets in they will start inviting all of their "buddies" and things will go back downhill. I don't want that to happen.

Hey - X is emailing the people they want to so why drag the rest of us into it?

Bah! Anyway. Practice last night. Did some seriously amazing camel spins. Now my back is like sore at the top from all the arching. Ah! I must be getting old. Ugh.

I went back today at lunch to go over my moves. Had the rink all to myself and it was nice. My moves suck. If I'm going to be testing I need to get off of my ass and really work. Like 3-4 times a week. They were good like over the winter when I was skating a lot. But with summer and camping (and rum) - well, I've been slacking! Now it's time to shape up!

But dang, my jumps are awesome. My toe jumps anyway. I did this lutz today - it was so damned high it actually scared me! Thinking this must be a fluke (they normally aren't THAT huge) I tried it again - another massive one. So I measured the distance - yup - enough for a double.

Whoa! I was suitably impressed. Dunno what the hell I was doing differently. Well, I think I do - my feet are actually drawing together like they are SUPPOSED to. I have a bad habit to just do slop (because of my leg strength). When technique and power come together - whoa! It's a little scary!

Didn't have time to try an axel, tho. Had to return to the salt mines. Speaking of which - I don't want to curse myself so I'm not going to say anything. I've been hiding out and furitively looking for a new job. I want outta here. And soon. I have a feeling more shit is going to be hitting the fan in a few weeks since one of our group is going on DB.

Any guesses as to who is going to be stuck with her work? Yeah.

Still drumming. Actually starting to play with CD's now and that's pretty cool. It's like being in a drum circle sans alcohol and dancers. lol! Of course, I could grab a beer outta the 'fridge and PRETEND. (I'll probably do that this winter when I've got cabin fever so bad I just want to scream).

The violin is coming along, too. Getting better at knowing what I'm doing wrong. And actually holding the bow properly - picking it up right and holding it right as I play. So that's good. And my right hand (the one I hold the strings with) looks like in the pictures. Been using a mirror to watch myself - to see that my elbows and hands are doing right. I'm still getting used to WHERE exactly the bow needs to go - it tends to wander if I'm looking at the music and not directly at IT. Has a mind of it's own, it does.

I'll be glad when the weekend is here. It's supposed to be cooler and that's bogus. The last week has been just awesome weather wise. But it's not going to last. I'll have to break out the electric blanket by the end of the month I think. So bogus! :-(

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:12 PM


At 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's high school all over again.
how old are we?

At 7:17 PM, Blogger Rogue Goddess said...

That's rich coming from you.

At 8:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, girl, it is Sandra! :) Just had a few seconds and thought I'd drop by your blog and let me tell you, if I may that I am so glad to see you are taking the initiative on the job front. I was hoping you would because I have been in the exact same position you are in at the moment until two and a half years ago. I got out of it, I found myself a dreamboat of a job that I love going to in the morning and I have never looked back ever since.

I am seriously keeping my thingers crossed that the same good fortune will meet you. We may never have met in real life, but I really feel you deserve this.

Never forget to tell yourself, no matter what happens in that insane place that YOU.ARE.GOOD! Don't let anybody tell you differently, OK?

Hugs from good ol' Europe! :) Take care. Sandra


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