Lilibean is back in town and she and I are going to meet for dinner tomorrow. We have many things to discuss. I feel better already.
We talked just for a bit today - she had a meeting so we couldn't talk long - I just gave her the basics of the shit hitting the fan. We'll chew the fat tomorrow after work and that will be good.
We have a stupid idiotic department meeting tomorrow *eye roll*. Why the fuck they continue to torture us with this stupid shit I don't know. And it IS torture. The work just piles up while they have stupid pointless meetings. Why? I don't need to hear their stupid rah-rah shit. It's a bunch of sound and fury signifying NADA. Nothing happens, nothing changes and nothing is accomplished. It's just a waste of time. I'll take my notebook just in case someone pays me a visit.
I think he's finally gotten over me running off on vacation. Sort of. Not completely but at least he's skulking around now. And he keeps showing me
this picture of him - what's up with that I wonder? It's a new one from the one he USED to have. Ah, well.
So there's another hurricane in the Gulf. I don't think this one will be as bad human wise. Property wise oh yeah. But most people have been smart enough to leave and they finally have buses for those who WANT to leave and don't have any transport.
The scary thing is we've got like two more months of hurricane season! Yikes!
I'm still thinking on some things. It's sort of hard to see your own habits and patterns when you're so close to them, you know? It's like if I could find the WORD for it I would feel a lot better and at least know where to start. (Sort of like being hungry for something and not knowing what it is). But I just can't seem to grasp exactly WHAT it is. I can describe it but the proper word/name for it is eluding me.
My fingers are getting stronger and they don't hurt as much after I drum now which is good. I've learned a couple of new rhythms. I *think* I'm getting better. It SOUNDS better to me, anyway. Maybe because I'm used to it. Who knows?
Maybe Lilibean will have me record some backbeat for her. That'd be cool, huh? LOL! (I don't know any "western" rhythms, tho. Only middle eastern stuff so we'd have to work from that).
Yeah - sorry, Orlando. I'm hitting the recording studio. Keep the bed warm me, tho, won't you?

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 8:32 PM
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