It's been a while since my last post and a lot of things have happened. First, I got my ass chewed by my dewless boss because I tell people THE TRUTH and they can't handle the truth. Apparently this makes me a bitch. Telling someone they are a fucking idiot is apparently not wise - even if it IS true and everyone in the entire company knows it.
I told her that I'm sick of the abuse I've had to put up with and she's like "abuse? What? You just take things too personally." Uh, yeah. When some fucking manager sends me a nasty-gram and says he's going to "crush" me I take GREAT OFFENSE at this. Oh, don't worry. I've saved the email at home. It just might come in handy one day. When I sent it to her she was just dismissive of it. The same way she is about everything else. I told her "didn't you read all of those emails you asked me to send you?" Uh, no. "There were too many". Yeah. We get those fucking idiotic requests ALL THE TIME - that's why there are so many.
Geez, woman, don't tell me to do something then get mad when I do it because you don't like the result.
She doesn't give a shit about us - she just wants to look good. I had 11 fucking projects. The next nearest person has 6. Yeah. And she wants to know why I'm stressed and snapping people's heads off. Uh, maybe YOU gave me too much work. And when I told you it was too much you just told me to "deal with it" because it needed done and no one else could do it in the short amount of time you gave me.
Then she asks me if I've considered taking another job. I'm like "yeah, for the past 2.5 years since I started working here. This job is HELL. Everyone treats you like shit and yet WE are the ones who make the money and keep this company in business."
But she doesn't want to hear that. From any of us. We should all be happy happy joy joy about being shit on and other's taking credit for our work. Riiiiiight. Let me try that a few times with YOU and we'll see how that flies. HA!
It just amazes me. This place is so fucked up. They don't care about actually DOING anything - all they care about is sucking up, writing stupid memos and reports on someone ELSE'S work!!! WTF is up with THAT?? They'd rather have some dumb ass who does nothing but write memos than someone who actually produces. Well, whatever. Soon there won't be anyone left who gives a shit. It will all be just half-assed report writers ('cause half of the douche bags can't write worth a fuck, either.)
And, no, Steve, I don't want your comment on it. I KNOW what you think. I'm ranting. Leave me alone!
I talked to one of the other girls today about her job (I was thinking for applying for something similar to what she's doing). We had a nice long talk about the do-lesses around here. She said that no one gets properly trained. They just hire you and throw you in a job and expect you to bumble around until you fuck up majorly or figure out what the hell you're doing.
Now is that any way to run a company? That's about asking for trouble. Then when it hits they're all like "oh, I didn't KNOW you weren't trained." WTF???? How can you NOT know? You think I"m in your office asking for help every damn day because I LIKE you? Bitch, please.
Apparently when *I* go in and say I need help, it's bitching. But when other people do it, they really need help. Ok. Whatever. It was funny to hear the very next day in a meeting that everyone - every single person in that room start bitching about the stupid shit we've had to deal with and I didn't say one fucking word.
Yeah. I just sat there grinning all smug like and shaking my head. The boss was pissed. But I didn't say anything. So she can use me as the scapegoat and say *I* am the one bitching and complaining and causing all of the problems but she cannot deny that what I bitch about is universal. I know several other people have been told the same thing by her.
Apparently she wants us all to play "nice" with the idiots. Uh, no. If they need help or training, fine. I'll help. But I am not doing their fucking jobs because they don't understand and "they" need to get this project out on time. Someone should have addressed that issue long before now.
I'm sick and tired of pulling these idiots' feet out of the fire only to have them jump right back in again. "Burn the fuck up" I say. But I guess that's too realistic and honest for some people to handle.
My only joys have been out of this layer of hell. Drumming, skating, dancing. I bought a used violin on ebay. I've always wanted to play one and I just figured "what the hell?" It was only $30 so I'm going to try it. Buy a book or a DVD and see what sort of hideous screeching noises I can make.
The drumming is actually getting better. Last night I played and it sounded like I had more than two hands!! Yay! That's been my goal - to play so it sounds like I have FOUR hands instead of two. I don't think I'll ever to get that point but still. It's fun to practice.
Lately I've just been too tired to skate. I think it's the change in the weather. That always bums me out. I hate the cold. Ugh. I get cabin fever really easily - I love to be outside. I can't stand being cooped up in a building all the time - even if it IS my own place. I'd just as soon live in my yurt out in the woods somewhere. But then I'd probably freeze my ass off. Oh, well.
So there's been a lot on my mind. And a lot more that I don't really care to divulge at the moment because I'm still thinking about it. Trying to figure out what, exactly is going on.
Been kicking around the idea of heading to New Orleans for a week. I hear they are in desperate need of strippers. Hey, if they're desperate then they don't care how fat my butt is, right? LOL! They'll take what they can get! hahahaha!
I told my uncle the two of us should pack up and head down there. They will be needing their soothsayers, card readers, street musicians and strippers for the cops and military that's down there. We could make some serious $$$ (I'd like to think, anyway!). Who knows? Maybe we'll like it and decide to stay. HA!
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 3:39 PM
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