The other day my mom calls me up and tells me she's outta fags and I gotta make a run over the border for her. Yeah. Well, apparently a carton of cigs is about $30 here so she wanted me to go south and get some.
That's ok. I'm outta rum and it's cheaper in the Motherland too.
So today, I make a run for the border. Imagine my delight and surprise when I find gas is like 20 cents cheaper over there, too. Woooo! It's $2.89 a gallon so I top off the tank. Then buy fags and rum. If the coppers would have stopped me, they would have had a mighty stash of contraband - three cartons of fags, two 1/2 gallons of rum and a full tank of gas. The entire trip cost me about $100. Dang.
Freakin' gas is almost as expensive as her fags. That woman need to find a cheaper habit. Or move over the river. HA! I know she's going to bitch but I'm not driving down to Ft. Knox to save her $5 a carton on them damned fags. Forget it. If I'm down there, I'll pick them up. But I'm not making a special trip down there with gas prices sky high. It's sort of pointless.
All I've wanted to do today is sleep for some odd reason. And I have a lot of stuff to do around here. I finally DID clean out one of the closets and went to dance practice today. So at least I've been semi-productive. I still need to do laundry and the dishes and clean out some more stuff. I might do that tomorrow.
And I need to start writing again. Hateful is refusing to talk to me until he has sufficiently "punished" me for my "crimes". (Read - I went out and had a hellacious time and HE wasn't there to watch). Ah, well. It's been quiet so I can't complain.
Maybe eventually I'll put some of my clothes on my dressmaker's dummy and take pix of my outfits. I probably should. Then burn them to CD. I've been burning a lot of photos and writings to CDs so I have them (just in case anything happens.)
This hurricane has sort of made me think "what would I do in that situation?" If I had to walk out of town with only the possessions I could carry - what would I take? And I realized that there is a lot of info on my computer that I could burn to CD and take with me.
There are some things - small - that could fit into my backpack and are very practical. But honestly - when it comes down to it, all I really really would need is clean water. At Pennsic, that is the ONE thing that takes up a majority of time - getting water. So those water tabs to "purify" water are right up there next to my CD's and that bottle of olive oil.
It sounds crazy but still . . . just trying to be practical here.
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 6:47 PM
Hmmm.... *ponders*
Putting clothes on your dummy and taking pics?? Need ideas?? Maybe some... Pennsic outfits?
I lurve the outfits from that time period - I bet you looked great!!
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