~What in the Hell?~

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

~ It's ALIVE! ~

It makes noise! Yay! I got the violin to make noise today! Wheeeeee! I'm so excited! I didn't break any of the strings. I even tuned it with the little tuning pipe they sent! How cool is THAT? (Except it doesn't have a "D" note . . .? Not quite sure what to make of this.)

It didn't make noise before because I didn't have enough rosin on the bow. Hmmmm. Thank God for the internet. I found everything I needed to know to get it set up to play. Well, enough to make noise at any rate. It took me about an hour and a half to get the bridge in, tune it and start making noise.

Believe me, I screeched enough for one night. I started the scales. I'm going to learn right handed as much as it doesn't seem "right".

I'm left handed and I want to PLAY left handed but I'd have to get the thing re-strung and learn everything pretty much backwards. So we'll go right handed for now. I'll try it both ways - like I do everything - and see which one feels more comfortable.

I ended up drumming left handed and I rather LIKE the left handed violin better but we'll see. (Odd that I play musical instruments left handed and most sports right handed - except tennis. I'm a leftie playing tennis). But it's kinda nice. At least I'm not totally one sided like a lot of people are.

My noise making is done for the evening. I drummed earlier then violined. The neighbors are probably asking, "why, God, why?" LOL!

Tomorrow is practice after work. Then more playing music (making a racket.)

Thursday I'm meeting Linda for dinner - that will be nice. We need to talk. Oh, yes we do.

Now, Mr. Wicked has been tormenting me. He's making me GUESS what he's about. I have a good idea but each time I ask he says "not quite". So I know I'm close I just haven't written to his satisfaction. It's like I know where I'm at and where I want to be but I'm having some problems seeing the path he wants me to take.

Of course, he could do us ALL a favor and just TELL me but no - he wants to torture me. Altho I have to admit he's been a bit "nicer" to me lately. Probably feels sorry for me having to endure all that shit at work.

He does not like that violin, either. He regards it with suspicion and distaste. (I think it's more the pseudo-violinist than the instrument its self - I've seen him eyeing it curiously. If he picks it up and starts playing like YoYoMa I'm going to break it over his gorgeous head, mark my words!)

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 9:34 PM


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