OK. Mr. Clean has absconded with my merchant's guide so I can't tell Steveolas the name of this
bow shop he's itching to contact.
But here, to keep him busy is the
merchants guide. Knock yo' bad self out!
Sorry, MG - no pix of me in garb. I was the one TAKING the pictures you understand. Besides, as long as I am TAKING the pix there can be no incriminating ones OF me, right? Heh! I like to believe that, anyway.
I'm glad everyone is enjoying the yurt and the Pennsic stories. Try
here for more on the war.
Here are some links to cool stuff -
drumming site - MIDI files of drum rhythms - AWESOME! Lots of notes, rhythms, info - ooooo I just eat this one up! You can also play your zills to this. I spend waaaaayyyy too much time here!
Here's a cool one on
henna - free henna designs, how to mix your henna and get the best colors, etc. Interesting and beautiful artwork.
One of my personal fave merchants -
Touch The Earth. They have all sorts of neat things - Tibetan prayer flags, drums, jewelry, lanterns, incense, ethnic clothing - it's a great place to just wander around in. I always drop some serious $$ here every war.
Here's a fun one for all you budding pirate wenches out there.
Brute Force Leather. I would like to believe that the Big O has an unrequieted thing for hot lil' redheads in leather corsets. If not, then he really needs to develop one and FAST!
For you yurt lovers, here's the
link to where I got MY yurt. He's finally updated that website.
For books on medieval life, cooking, costuming and the like, try
Poison Pen Press. They even have some cookbooks based on recipies from ancient Rome and Greece with the historical references. Very interesting.
Now everyone say "atlatl battle" five times fast. Take two shots of rum and repeat until you find that phrase as amusing as I do. Heeeee!
Maybe one of these days I'll actually get around to scanning all of my Pennsic pix. I'm actually still in the midst of scanning pix from all of my travels. Ah, well.
One of these days I'm going to get a new dishwasher so I don't have to do the dishes by hand, too. But I'd rather have my yurt.
Now Mr. Clean is pissed and ranting thru the hallways because someone stole his cart. I told him not to get a new one but noooooo. He wouldn't listen. I procured me a beat up POS cart that no one wanted, slapped a bumper sticker on it and I've had it for nearly 3 years. No one wants it because it's a beat up wreck. As soon as you get a new one, someone will steal it. But if you've got an old beater, no one wants it. Oh, well.
My merchants guide was probably ON that damned cart, too. So bogus!
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 1:52 PM
Oh shucky-darn! :(
Oh well, I bet you were hawt as usual!! Sweet dreams of Orally in the yurt, I'm sure! ;)
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