What do I love/hate about Pennsic? I'll start with the "hate" list because it will be much shorter.
1) It ends. It shouldn't. I should be able to live there year round if I so desire.
2) Ants and grasshoppers. I hate those stupid ants. They get everywhere. Spiders and mosquitos I don't mind but bats don't eat ants. And hoppers spit and leap into your clothes which is freaky.
3) Crappy showers. A dude sets up the camp shower and they haven't a clue how hard it is to wash waist-length hair in one of those damned things. Morons. If you go to the bathhouse the water is fucking freezing. Seriously. I've turned BLUE in there before (when it's like 90 degrees outside).
4) Dirty nails. Fingernails and toenails. No matter how much I wash they just don't seem clean.
That's about all I can think of right now.
What do I love about Pennsic? Oh, this is going to be long!
1) I can be myself. Completely and utterly. I don't have to "behave" or "make nice" or any crap like that. I can curse like a sailor, drink like a sailor and whore like a sailor. Guess that short of makes me a sailor by default, doesn't it? LOL!
2) There is no media. Except for the Independent but that doesn't really count. They just report the news (who won what battle). And the "unclassifieds" are a riot! There's no spin, no lame ass airbrushed ads. No anoxeric/coke thin models making me look like a sow. Nope. Dudes actually appreciate my tits and ass because it looks AWESOME in garb. (And out, truth be told - heeeee!)
3) I can keep my "natural" hours, eating times and potty times. No need to conform my body to the "corporate world" timeclock or sobriety scale.
4) I get to have FUN! YE GODS! Fun! Perish the thought that I could actually spend my time drinking, drumming, dancing and singing and not babysitting some fucktard half a world away! Which leads us to -
5) No motherfucking fucktards at work to deal with. That alone should be the entire top 10 list. Is it any wonder I'm dreading going in tomorrow? Even for half a day? Don't get me wrong - I enjoy what I do and the people I work directly with. It's just frustrating as hell most of the time to be treated like shit by other departments and held accountable for everything. Being a djinn is a thankless job, I tell you.
6) I realize that I can live without ~80% of the junk I have in my place. After I come home I always do a mass purge of stuff. Amazing really, how much junk you have that you don't really need. I get recalibrated in that way.
7) The heat. Yes, I said it. I enjoy the heat and being outside. The lake, the trees, the heat - I love it all.
8) The scenery. Just walking around seeing what everyone is doing - spinning, weaving, smithing - passed out in a ditch. It doesn't matter. I get to walk and walk and walk and see what everyone is up to and get ideas for my camp next year.
9) The people. Dang. On any given night you can hear (and participate in) some bizarre things. It's simply mind-boggling.
10) I can eat like a big ole piggy, drink like a fishy-fish and LOSE WEIGHT! Yes, people, you heard right! EAT all you WANT and LOSE weight! What is this wonderful thing you ask? Walking everywhere - hauling ice, laundry, water - you name it. Physical labor (aka "exercise"). It works. (Too bad I'm usually so exhausted after work that I just want to come home and collapse instead of hitting the ice or the gym.)
11) The feeling of the place. It's home. Plain and simple. It's so intimate and cozy. Granted, there are a few fucktards but nothing like I deal with on a "normal" basis. It just feels good there.
12) I get to take classes! On everything! It's great! I can soak up so much knowledge and keep my little brain just a smoking.
13) Shopping. Not that stupid mall shopping, either. We're talking handmade goods - leathers, armor, fabric, books, spices, musical instruments! All the things I adore!
14) The drums. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to sleep the first couple of nights you come home? There aren't any damned drums going. I miss those things. I put on all of my drumming CD's to keep them in the background so I CAN sleep.
15) There is absolutely NOTHING that I HAVE to do or anywhere I HAVE to be. I can just read, wander or stare off into space without a damned deadline hanging over my head or people jumping my shit. How many nights I laid there in that yurt staring up at the sky just thinking and no one said a word to me. It was wonderful.
What do I have to look forward to? Uhm, I'll be back in 50 weeks. Hell, maybe I might actually break down and go to Gulf Wars. Why not? I'll have the yurt paid for by then. I just don't want to drive thru the Smokies in February. Ugh.
Ah, well. I'm going to cry myself to sleep now. I can feel PPD setting in (post pennsic depression). :-(
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 10:09 PM
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